Columns 2009

Our gal, Temporary Sal

Well, this has certainly been an interesting few weeks. First Ed McMahon dies and then, in rapid succession, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Karl Malden and Robert McNamara. Our celebrities are dropping like flies and, despite beliefs fostered by saturation coverage of Jackson as possibly being the second coming, he did not rise on the third day.

Then we have our politicians falling like flies, some of their own volition (see The Lovely Sarah Resigns and other fun fairy tales) and some because they find it ever so much easier to legislate morality for us little folk than actually following that

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Sarah is actually the babe that South Carolina’s governor was seeing in Argentina and they are just waiting for his term to be up so they can be together forever.

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Am I the only one?

Am I the only one who thinks that if you put Sean Parnell in a lineup, at least 60% of Alaskans would not be able to pick him out of the group?

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Here’s what I think happened

Sarah woke up the other day and was restless. She looked in the mirror and thought, “Maybe I should change my hairdo.  Oh, better idea, I’ll change my eye shadow color.  Oh, wait. I’ll resign as governor. Yeah, that’s the ticket.”

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Happy July 4!

Once, what seems like a lifetime ago, I went back East to visit family in July. A friend from Barrow accompanied me. She was 14 years old. We stopped to say hi to Grandpop Rocco. Grandpop had come to America from Italy in the early part of the last century. My friend, being Inupiat, could track her roots on this continent back thousands of years.

As I introduced them, Grandpop stuck his hand out, smiled that beautiful smile of his and said to her… with an English/Italian accent that was thicker than the sauce on his Sunday pasta… “Welcome to

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Thank you, Sarah.

I was just sitting down to stare at a blank piece of paper and wonder what my column would be about next week. Then the lovely Sarah announces her resignation and my problem is solved on one level. On the other level, how do I choose from the myriad possibilities of how to address the concept of someone going from Wasilla mayor to national political figure with little if anything of substance to show for her time on the public stage? It will be an interesting weekend as my brain churns all the possibilities.

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It doesn’t get much more insulting

Went out for breakfast last week and noticed that the menu contained a children’s meal with a note that it was also available to seniors. The main draw of the meal was smaller portions of everything which suits me just fine. So I asked the waitress what the age qualification was to be considered a senior for purposes of ordering that special and she looked at me and instantly replied, “Oh, don’t worry about that, honey. You can order it.”

Damn! What happened to the days when I got carded to see if I was actually 21. Now I can’t

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Columns 2009

Health care for all

Americans can sometimes seem to be quite a contradictory group. Or at least, certain segments of the population are.  For instance, the segment that purports to represent the Moral Majority seems to have as much trouble as other political parties in knowing when to keep their pants zipped. Those same Americans who brandished guns and American flags after 9/11, bragging that those terrorists had met their match when they took on America, seem to be some of the same people squealing with fear over the idea of some Gitmo detainees being brought to America. We’re apparently that scared of them

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