
What is it with this weather?

Geez, Louise. If I wanted this much heat and sunlight, I’d have moved to Florida or California or any number of other wussy states that depend on warmth and sunshine to be bearable. This is Anchorage. Spring should be cold, wet, gray and rainy, just like summer. Damn that global warming!

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Just to be clear

I do not want to go to any heaven that will not allow my dogs and birds in.  I can’t even imagine how you could call that heaven.

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Energy money

In response to Governor Palin’s refusal to accept energy money from the federal stimulus package… Governor, I must ask with all due respect, WHAT THE HELL STATE DO YOU THINK YOU REPRESENT?!!! This is Alaska. We have never met a federal dollar we didn’t love nor a regulation we couldn’t manipulate to make those monies easy picking. For god’s sakes, Palin, this is the state of Ted Stevens. Have some respect for tradition.

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My declaration of independence

People who know me, know that clothes shopping comes right below have wisdom teeth removed with no anesthetic in the line up of things I want to do. I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to pretend that I understand women’s fascination with clothes and shoes and bags. And now I’ve reached an age where I feel I must make my declaration and let the bras fall where they may. Here it is!

I buy clothes to cover my naked body because society frowns on me walking down the street nude and, to be honest, when you live in

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Columns 2009

We’re Italian… we eat for comfort

A friend of mine recently came back from a funeral. She commented on the different customs that were so apparent at the home visitation before the funeral and how comforting they seemed to the bereaved. Then she asked me what my family did at times like that. As an Italian, there was one simple answer… we ate.

Whether it was a funeral, a hospital visit, the death of a pet or a “sorry your son decided to go into philosophy as a career” occasion, what we did for comfort was eat. Whether the occasion was happy, sad or we weren’t

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Eagle Flood Relief


The current Yukon River flooding at Eagle and the neighboring Native community of Eagle Village is now being characterized at the worst flooding ever at that location. The red line on this picture shows how high the flood waters reached.

Buildings have been washed away, some residents have lost everything, and a big chunk of Alaskan history has been damaged.  Evert’s Air Cargo in Fairbanks has offered to fly in supplies, but the road between the airport and town is still flooded.  And now, Anchorage volunteers have stepped in to help.

Eagle area residents are now in need of clothing

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It’s worse than sexual teasing

When Anchorage has such nice weather in May… sun shinning, walk without a coat, minimal mosquitoes… it’s like being teased by a sexual sadist. You know you will pay in the end for the pleasure you are receiving now.  I wait in dread for the return of clouds, rain and winds – our normal summer weather.

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Yet even more aging fun

I have some items in my home, like my cordless phone and cordless headset for the TV, that require special batteries. The temptation is always there when I go to buy replacement batteries to buy at least two of the special ones needed so that I’ll have a replacement on hand when one wears out. I’ve done that three or four times. The problem is, I’ve never been able to actually locate the spare battery when I needed it. No matter how carefully I place it somewhere I’m sure I’ll look when the time comes, I never do.

So when

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The continued saga of aging

You know you’re old when a kid playing outside in bare feet with shorts and a T shirt on comes over to pet your dogs and you are walking them dressed in a sweatshirt, coat liner, overcoat and gloves because you’re still feeling the cold.

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