
How many do you take?

I take ten pills every morning to get me from today till tomorrow without my blood sugar or blood pressure or cholesterol or god knows what else killing me.  I am a proud member of the sixties drug generation.  Our philosophy of better living through drugs remains unwavering. It’s just the drugs we use that’s changed.

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Posting online, writing e-mails and expressing opinions anonymously are sometime necessary in societies where expressing a different opinion can have serious and even fatal consequences.

Sending me anonymous hate mail because you disagree with my position on any particular issue is simply being cowardly.

Try not to confuse the two.

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She’s one hot dog!

So I meet friends for dinner and, as always until it gets to be summer and too hot to do, the dogs accompany me for the ride. When I get to the restaurant, I carefully lower the windows slightly even though it’s still only about 35 degrees outside so that the car doesn’t get two warm inside for the dogs. I come out about 90 minutes later and both seem very comfortable. In fact, Blondie doesn’t even bother to get up from her comfortable position lying on the quilt in the back of the car.

We head home and are

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Seriously, how much sniffing does any one dog have to do on a 2 1/2 mile walk… especially if that walk covers the same territory today as it did yesterday.  I mean, aren’t at least some of the smells bound to be familiar and not worth a TEN MINUTE BREAK to thoroughly sniff, snuffle, paw at and re-sniff?

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Columns 2009

It’s nice to see the governor and legislature playing well with each other…NOT

It’s so good to have our governor and the legislature back at each other’s throats where they belong. For a brief moment there last year, when everyone but a few disgruntled dissidents in the legislature were involved in one group love fest, it felt as though we’d somehow fallen through the looking glass.

But we’re back now. No more love fest. No more cooperation between the governor and the legislature. The gloves are off, let the sniping ensue. And all of us pundits could not be more thrilled because, honestly, there is nothing quite as boring as peace and cooperation

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As I sat on hold with the court the other day waiting for a hearing to start and listening to an endless relooping of the same piece of mindless music, it occurred to me that we didn’t need to use water boarding in Guantanamo… we just had to dial up the court and put the prisoners on hold forever listening to this brain eating musak. They would have been blabbing like Joan Rivers in thirty minutes.

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