
Good for Palin

For a brief instance, it seems as though the lady who ran for governor here peeked out from where ever she’s been hiding as she made the choice for new Alaska Supreme Court justice. She placed her responsibility to the Alaska Constitution and law above her personal feelings and made a professional decision. How refreshing.

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Make Rush go away

Please… haven’t we all suffered enough at the hands of his hate filled rants for the past ten or so years? And now he has the chairman of the Republican Party apologizing to him…I think that says all that needs to be said about the “new” direction of the conservative wing of that party.  The good news is that it virtually guarantees that moderates and Democrats will continue to lead us for a long time to come.

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Columns 2009

Fools rush in

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Based on that, I’m about to be the biggest fool since…well, since the last time fiscal conservatives suddenly discovered that debt incurred by their opponents was bad as opposed to the debt incurred by their leaders.

But I digress.

The topic of this column is one that I enter upon with great trepidation for fear of the ungodly backlash that will ensue once I have made my feelings known. The subject is not the death penalty or parental notice for teenage abortions or even whether we should finally give the Malamute its

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Please give it a rest!

The definition of insanity is to keep repeating the same action over and over again hoping that this time there will be a different outcome. Based on that definition, our entire state legislature is insane.

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I am simply too sick and miserable to write anything pithy, funny or relevant.  I guess without dick/george, I can’t rise up when sick. They made it so easy no matter how miserable I was. Bobby Jindahl just doesn’t do it for me.

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I think I may live

I think I may survive my illness but am not yet 100% sure. Went through a period yesterday where I couldn’t stand up without almost fainting. That was interesting. Could this finally be the flashbacks from the sixties that they promised us?

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Out, out damn germs!

I’m sick. The kind of sick where I actually wish I was living with something other than birds and dogs because I want to just crawl into bed again and have someone bring me tea and sympathy. Instead, I’ll crawl into bed and accept the love of two dogs who are cozied up to me on the bed so there is not a millimeter of space between me and them. If I could only teach them how to make tea….

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