
Another question that must be asked….

So all those southern Republican senators are proud that they managed to scuttle the bailout of the auto industry because unions would not agree to immediate wage cuts. Hmmm….I don’t remember them making the heads of those failed banks and investment houses agree to wage or even bonus cuts before they tossed a gabillion dollars their way, do you?

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Columns 2008

Alaska fashion….how the real world dresses

Whenever I travel outside of Alaska, I notice a very curious phenomenon.  On starting the trip, I usually think I look pretty good.  Of course, in today’s world of air travel, that statement needs to be taken in the context of a situation in which you all but have to strip naked to get through security.

So by good I mean that I have on clean underwear and clothes that are easily removed. with pockets easy to empty. I wear a wrinkle proof outfit that can withstand nights in airports waiting for missed and canceled connections. I wear pants with

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Thank you, Oprah

As I struggle daily with my weight, it’s nice to see that even having more money than god, plus probably a personal chef and a diet counselor at your beck and call, is still not always enough. If Oprah can gain the weight back despite every advantage in the world, us ordinary folks should be cut some slack in our ongoing battle. 

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The competition is back on

With the arrest of Illinois governor what’s his name, the competition is back on and heating up for the title of “Most Corrupt State in the Union”. Alaskans should not be discouraged by the truly championship form being showed by Illinois. We may have to concede that their covert recordings are somewhat more fun than ours, but we still have a trick or two up our sleeves and, of course, our ace in the hole….Don Young. So bring it on, Illinoisans. Alaska will stand toe to toe with you and never back down.

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Here’s the thing about Facebook. I learned enough to accept an invitation from a friend. And at one point, I apparently signed up for it. My goal for the new year is to figure out what to do beyond that. I’ll get back to you as soon as I do.

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Weird Christmas present?

So I’m guessing by the looks on people’s faces when I tell them this, that my brother and sister and I may be the only siblings around whose mother gave them all grave plots one year for Christmas. What? Your mothers didn’t love you enough to want you buried three deep next to them?

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And we won’t even ask for the moose antlers back

When I was back East recently, my cousin in Philly e-mailed me that Sarah Palin was there for the governor’s meeting with Barack (oh-please-let-the-inauguration-happen-soon-I-can’t-stand-BushCheney-another-moment) Obama. She joked that you couldn’t get near Palin’s car but you knew which one it was because of the moose antlers on the hood. And all I could think was that if they just kept Palin there, we wouldn’t even ask for the moose antlers back.  Maybe Jon Stewart is right. Maybe Sarah likes everything about Alaska except actually being here.

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