Columns 2008

George Bush is no Richard Nixon

As America’s Current Occupier winds down his disastrous years in office, he is giving interviews to the big three networks. I watched the first interview with Charles Gibson until I could no longer handle the pain. Did we really elect this man to the office once held by Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln? Or, for god’s sake, Chester B. Arthur?

I think it is an interesting juxtaposition that at the same time as Bush stumbles and bumbles his way through these fairly controlled moments of media access, a movie titled “Frost/Nixon” is released. The movie, based on a Broadway play, is

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To the snow gods

Thank you. I am grateful all the snow came down before I got back from the East Coast so I get to enjoy the beauty without the hassle of driving on Anchorage roads with idiots who have never heard the words “snow tires” or “slow down when the roads are icy”.

All the snow has come down, right?

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Air travel…

Here are my current questions about air travel.

1. Will I ever see my ankles again?

2. How do some people get in an airplane seat and not get up again for the entire seven hour flight? What kind of bladders do they have?

3. Why are all airlines seats made out of rock?

4. Why am I willing to buy food at a McDonald’s in an airport but NEVER, EVER go to one when I’m not?

5. Why do I eat so much in airports when I’m traveling? Is it just boredom during layovers that drives me to the

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Ah, I’m home

I’m home with my little family of birds and dogs. There is lots of snow on the ground, the air is crisp and my finger tips are already cracking open and bleeding with joy. My house sitter, whose name I will not reveal for fear she will get so busy I’ll never be able to get her back when I need her, has set the bar high for my dogs’ expectations of what their day should be like. I try to explain that having her here was like their three weeks at a spa. They should enjoy it but know

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A culinary tip

There are two things you have to get up at 6 AM to start cooking if you want them ready for a meal that day…turkey and scrapple. In the case of scrapple, you must cook it on a painstakingly low light for an extremely long time to get the crust just right with the inside just soft enough. If you don’t, you might actually taste the pig snout.

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Ah Scrapple

You Hawaiians, Alaskans and all people west of the Mississippi can have your Spam. We Eastcoasters have scrapple, a delightful melange meat that is not afraid to boast it includes gournd pig snout.  Grab some ketchup and follow me to Nirvana.

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Columns 2008

We talk big and act small

Foster kids aren’t the only ones tired of telling their story over and over to new caseworkers because of the chronic staff turnover experienced by the Office of Children’s Services.  GALs frequently work cases where three or four social worker changes during the case are not at all unusual.  They are often the only ones with the complete history of the case and they tell it over and over again as social workers come and go.

Most GALs want to work with the social worker assigned to their cases because families and children can only benefit when everyone is pulling

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Someone had to kill that turkey you ate

I don’t know. Maybe here in the lower ‘48, turkeys magically appear all trussed up and ready to be eaten without ever having actually gone through the bother of living. At least, that’s the impression one gets from the reaction of people here to Sarah’s unfortunate moment at the turkey farm. While it may not have been her best PR moment ever, the reaction of some people down here would lead you to think that they actually had no idea that the turkey they ate at Thanksgiving ever actually gobbled and breathed.  Really, folks, if you are going to eat

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I might need to rethink this strategy

I lost forty dollars at the penny slot machines which means this investment strategy for my future is as solid an any other I’ve indulged in. On the other hand, at least I had some fun losing it. My investments lost more than forty dollars in the same amount of time and gave me absolutely no pleasure in the losing.  Slot machines: 1 Investing in the marker:  0

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