
Yet more on school athletics

I’ve gotten a lot of responses to yesterday’s column and challenged myself to boil down what I was trying to express in one or two sentences. There is something wrogn with our acadeimc system when almost totally illiterate athletes are graduated from our high schools and actually admitted to colleges with all expenses paid, while kids who took the time to learn are told to find their own funding or that they’re on a waiting list. That is simply wrong.

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Columns 2008

Athletics shouldn’t outrank academics

Our schools’ report cards don’t look very good. That’s sad because children who didn’t use their educational opportunities to full advantage will always be a step behind those who did. It’s scary because, to beat a trite old phrase to death, these kids are our future and our future doesn’t seem to be able to read or do math.

As we run around trying to figure out why Johnny can’t read and Susie can’t do math, I think we should peek into a corner that is traditionally left untouched because of its sensitive nature.  In fact, as my fingers move

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Enough…enough…I surrender…now stop it!

Having vented about the Dems ads, let me now vent about the All Sarah, All The Time news cycle we seem to be in. Damn. It’s like Madonna or Brittany Spears is our governor and we just can’t stop reporting every sighting of her. Enough already. We haven’t even sworn in Obama and the press is already discussing the 2012 race. Give me a friggin’ break. I don’t want to hear about the next presidential race for at least two years if not more.  It’s enough to make me wonder if the press is mature enough to be a free

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Ah plane travel

I fly to San Diego today. I’m already dreading the trip. Is there anyone still left alive who remembers when air travel was not a horror to be endure but something to actually dress for?

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Another wash day hint

Sometimes you need to run your clothes through the cycle more than three times to get rid of all the soap bubbles if you use too much spray and wash. I’ll let you know the final count when I’m done running the clothes through the washer.

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Here’s a wash day hint

If you put too much spray and wash into the wash water to try and get stains out generally, instead of specific stains that you just spray individually, and then you add laundry detergent too, you have to run your clothes through the entire wash/rinse cycle four times before they stop making soap bubbles.

Don’t worry. I won’t charge you for this tip.

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When is a dog a pig?

I was walking the dogs when I saw what looked like a very odd dog crossing the road up ahead. As I pulled even with the driveway the dog had entered, I looked to see if he was there and lo and behold, there stood a pig staring at me. Even the dogs were too startled to react. We all stared at each other for a minute and then the pig turned and trotted down the driveway like he owned it.

Ah Alaska!

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Columns 2008

Finally some blessed silence

For just a moment there was blessed silence.  No one screaming at me, telling me what to think, who to vote for, how many felons were in our congressional delegation. For just a moment, it was safe to answer the phone because there wouldn’t be a robo call at the other end pretending to be a personal message. It wouldn’t be a poll asking questions that made your blood boil; questions like “Are you pro life?” Seriously, how do you answer no to that?

Usually, by the time I finished stewing over the telephone poll, I’d already be hearing another

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After six weeks of making excuses for why I didn’t have time to go shopping for some clothes that wouldn’t cause my sister to blanch when she saw me, I finally ran out of excuses today and went shopping. And I actually went into two different stores, which I think is some kind of personal record for me shopping alone.  And although a second glance at what I bought indicates to me that my sister may still blanch when she sees them, they aren’t sweatshirts…ok, one is…and they are as close as I care to get to what other people

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