
Please stop e-mailing me

To all my friends, relatives and acquaintances outside of this wonderful state, please stop e-mailing me about Ted Stevens. Do you not yet get that we here in Alaska don’t care how you all do it in the lower ‘48? He may be a felon but he’s our felon and he comes with barrels of federal pork attached. So get over it, New Jersey. We faced you down in the final round of the title fight and we landed a knock out blow. You are no longer the number one state for corrupt politics. Get used to it.

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Now get out of your chair, stop making all kinds of excuses and go show yourself to be real Americans and vote.  And please be aware that anyone who writes to me with a complaint about the results had damn well better be able to prove they voted or they have no right to complain.

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George Clooney

I grew up in an Italian family in an Italian neighborhood with nothing but Italians surrounding me. So you’d think I’d have developed some protection against the charms of a pair of deep Italian eyes and a knowing smile.  You’d think.  And then George Clooney comes along and I want to fall so deeply into those eyes that I never find the other side…even though in reality, the thought of me and George Cloony is too sick even for my warped imagination.

And now back to politics.

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This week’s column

This week’s newspaper column will appear in the paper on Thursday instead of Wednesday in order to give me a day to react to the results of Tuesday’s election. So hang in there. I will be offering either my joy or despair on Thursday.

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It’s a puzzlement

If the lines for early voting are any indication, Tuesday should be insane. Bring a long book and be prepared to wait. This is usually not a problem in America today. I vote in every election on the theory that then I have a say in what happens and all the lazy people who don’t show up lose their say in our future. Now it seems like a lot of people are planning to show up who never did before. And while I’m happy that Americans are getting back into the fundamental idea of democracy and taking their vote seriously,

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Babies, babies and more babies

It occurs to me that we go through a stage in our lives where it seems as though every friend we have comes with a baby attached at the hip. They can’t come visit without bringing a bag bigger than most Pilgrims packed to populate the new world. It seems as though you will never have a quiet moment with them again where they are not talking babies, running after babies, changing babies or apologizing for the never ending wail of a baby.

And then one day all goes quiet. The babies talk now. Some even become interesting human beings

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It seems appropriate

It seems appropriate on Halloween to discuss the rather heated response I’ve gotten to my Twinkie comment. Apparently there are a WHOLE lot of people out there passionate about their Twinkies. Many sent me e-mails, I assume because they didn’t want their names publicly connected to the faux cake product. Some have asked if I ever tried them fried. Well, here’s my Halloween confession. My friend Kate and I went to the Saturday market here in Anchorage a few years ago and brought son number 1 with us because he eats anything. He bought a fried Twinkie and a fried

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Columns 2008

My choices in 08… and why

One of my parents’ cardinal rules was that the secrecy of the ballot box was sacred. It was what made America stand out. Politicians could not punish us for the way we voted because they had no right to know how we voted.

Since our current Occupier and his administration have made a mockery of that notion by politicizing everything they’ve touched, I’ve decided, after twenty years of writing a newspaper column, it’s time for me to break the silence of my vote.

I look around at the debris and detritus that was once our great nation and its constitution,

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Has anyone but me noticed

The war goes on virtually unheard and un-noticed. Deaths are now reported in little blurbs down the side of the big headline news which always has something to do with big numbers on Wall Street or some street going up or down in a dizzying yo-yo effect that mostly causes me nausea. Seems to me that a war that is costing our children’s future and lives should be getting a lot more ink and headlines. Or have we truly become the MTV generation, unable to focus more than seconds on any given scene before our ADD kicks in and we

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My apologies

I just found out that there are links to my blog from some pretty hateful and disturbing blogs that advocate white supremacy, among other things. I apparently have no control over those sites putting up a link to me. I can only assume that anyone who knows me knows that they could not be farther from representing what I think and feel. On the other hand, if that link brings people to this website where I like to think that a little love and compassion occasionally shines through, maybe it’s not a totally bad thing.  Even closed, bigoted minds must

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