Columns 2008

It isn’t babysitting if they’re your kids

As the media furor over our Sarah continues, I find myself wondering when people will remember that it’s not Sarah who’s running for president. The reality is that once the election is over, should John McCain win, Sarah will be relegated to photo shoots and state funerals. Proving, as John Nance Garner so colorfully put it, the vice presidency “is not worth a bucket of warm spit.” In the interests of full disclosure, the word “spit” was not necessarily what he actually said but the papers felt the word he did use was not appropriate to print.

The amount of

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The difference between HIllary and Sarah

The real difference between HIllary and Sarah is that Hillary bothered to tell Chelsea about birth control. Can you just imagine how nuts the right wing, Christian conservative media and various religious leaders would be if it was Chelsea who came up 17, unmarried and pregnant?  It would all be attributed to her liberal parents and their no values lifestyle. But when one of their own gets caught, not a peep.

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Secret Muslim

Here’s what I don’t understand. Why do people think that if Barack Obama were a Muslim, he’d have to keep it a secret?  Is there a clause in the Constitution that I missed that said that if you’re a Muslim you can’t be president?  Do people think Muslims can’t love America and be loyal citizens?  Can this level of ignorance really be so rampant in 21st Century America? I’d be a lot more worried about a political party that kept in its fold a politician who claims he just has a wide stance in men’s rooms than I would be

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It’s the Arctic, stupid

Anyone who ever wonders why I spent almost thirty years in Barrow simply doesn’t understand the pull of the tundra and Arctic seas on my soul. I think I must have been some sort of Arctic critter in my previous life.

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Even my dog

Blondie has a disease that causes her to be less than interested in food. So getting her to eat is a big deal in my home. Both times that I’ve had company this summer, she has stopped eating to the point where I was ready to get her a vet appointment to see if the disease had dramatically worsened and we needed to up her meds. Both times she started eating again the minute the company left. Hmmm…..let’s see if we might not have a dog using food for emotional gain. When I have company distracting me from focusing on

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Columns 2008

Palin isn’t shattering any glass ceilings

Here’s the difference between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin. Sarah wears skirts. Hillary needs pants suits.  Most women aspire to look like Sarah but on a good day fall woefully short. On a bad day, they make Hillary look like Miss Wasilla material.

Before finding a way to be paid for sitting home in a sweatshirt with no makeup, bra or heels to constrict me, I worked in an office.  Some mornings while getting ready for work, I’d suspect that life was just messing with me. There is not a working woman alive who hasn’t had one of those days,

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Bird brains

I am still embarked on a seemingly futile quest to get the rescued Conure that I am fostering to eat healthy food. In bird world, that means something other than seeds. So, being a human and therefore inherently brighter than the average bird…one hopes…I devised a method of mixing his seeds with some high potency fine Harrison’s bird food. This food is tiny little round pellets, maybe the size of a very small BB or the tip of a pencil. I sneakily mix the healthy food with the seeds. Since many of the seeds he eats are also round and

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