Columns 2007

Weekends are a needed break

The most interesting reaction I had to the column I wrote last week about the zoo and Maggie came from a lady who wrote to me that when she first started reading it, she thought it was going to be about politics and politicians again.  She expressed great relief to find that when she got into it, it was actually about an elephant.

I guess that’s where we are at this point. Anything that will turn our minds from the headlines detailing just how sleazy our politicians are is a welcomed relief. Heck, I’m even glad to see OJ back

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How do dogs know?

Just as I was thinking I might have enough money to paint the inside of my house when I got my PFD check, Blondie decides to blow out the ligament on her knee thereby requiring surgery that is just slightly more than the check itself.  Maybe I should just give up and tell everyone I painted the inside of my house dingy gray deliberately.

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OJ redux

I can’t believe I am actually finding the news about OJ a welcomed relief to the relentless headlines about our local and national politicians.  It may be time to tranquilize me.

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I long for snow

…if only because that means this incessant rain will end.  When I had only one dog, I could walk and carry an umbrella. Now with two dogs and two leashes, my only choices are to get wet or learn how to hold an umbrella in my mouth for three miles. And don’t suggest I use the leash that has two chains at the end but only one handle. My dogs each go their own way and want their own leash.  And it’s not that they’re spoiled as much as it’s just easier to give in sometimes.

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Columns 2007

Send Maggie south; end the negative headlines

The Alaska Zoo is generating enough bad publicity to make me wonder if they have learned nothing from the travails of our political class?  As the situation with Maggie drags on, negative news about the zoo continues to pile up.  What may ultimately be lost in all this is not Maggie, but the tremendous good the zoo actually does with other animals.

I don’t think anyone but the most diehard of diehards is still trying to justify keeping Maggie in Alaska. The majority of people seem to agree on two things. One, we all love Maggie dearly. Two, Alaska is

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**!#@##%***%!!!**% plastic wrapping

I had to take a toothbrush and its electric base out of the wrapping today.  I was close to tears before the ordeal ended. I had used a scissors and knife and small saw attempting to get the plastic to let me in. I was walking around the kitchen banging the damn thing on counters and using every four letter word…and more than a few five, six and seven letter words….I know.  I had two cuts on my right hand from the plastic when I finally got in.  What the hell are the geniuses who design packaging thinking?  What are

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It’s 9/11/07.  Six years ago, George Bush swore he would capture Osama Bin Laden dead or alive and hold him accountable for what he did.  Yeah, right.  Easier to go after an idiot like Saddam Hussein than actually try to go head to head with someone who was intelligent enough to plan and carry out 9/11.

George Bush is a shame to this nation.  Osama Bin Laden’s continued freedom is a slap in the face to every person who died on 9/11 and their survivors.  I don’t know how Bush sleeps at night. He has destroyed America’s moral standing and

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