
He’s the cutest baby ever but???butt???


While I will grant you that as a fairy great-godmother I might be prejudiced in thinking that Rhodes is absolutely the handsomest, most wonderful child ever born this millenium, I must also confess that as I look at one of these pictures, I question whether or not his future will entail a tool belt around his waist.  He is, I fear, channeling the spirit of Dan Akroyd.

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How is it possible?

I know I’ve asked this before but I must screamingly ask it again…how is it possible for my dogs to shed so much hair and have any left on their bodies?  Thank god Blondie has those big brown eyes and Blue has….well, whatever it is that Blue has besides diabetes that makes her so irresistible…because I spent a good deal of yesterday picking up gobs of dog hair over every surface of this house. And today…I don’t want to scare anyone so let’s just say it looks as though dog hair, once shed, can reproduce on its own.

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A fight to the finish

It’s a fight to the finish between me and my dogs over who will get to the raspberries first. They go out, grab the branches they can reach and pull them till they break. Then they sit there and munch on the raspberries they’ve pulled down with the branch.  Apparently no one has told these dogs they are carnivores.

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There should be some sort of federal law that says no matter what the date stamped on the jar might read, all condiments in the refrigerator door need to be recycled through the trash when they become seven years old…even mustard.  Apparently old mustard can make you sick.  Who knew?!

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Am I the only one who considers pretzels merely the most efficient conveyance system to get mustard from the jar to my mouth?

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Columns 2007

Alaskans better develop a sense of humor…quickly

There are probably few Alaskans left by now who have not heard the best lines from The Simpsons Movie repeated again and again, often by relatives living elsewhere who call specifically to quote them to us.  For those of you who have been living in a salmon creek since the movie debuted, those lines are as follows:  “Alaska, where you can’t be too drunk or too fat.” And, spoken by an official handing them money as the family crosses into Alaska, “Welcome to Alaska. Here’s a thousand dollars.” Finally, “We pay everyone in Alaska to let us destroy the environment.”

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Here’s a thought

Since Congress seems to be in the mood to pass laws that take away our constitutional rights without much of a fuss, I’d like to propose a new law for them to pass. It would simply state that anyone whose name has been in People or Us magazine more than twice in one year cannot reproduce EVER!

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Ah sunshine

Every day the sun was out this month…and yes, non-believers, it was out here in Anchorage for the better part of a week…I took all my birds out on the deck to enjoy the sunshine, fresh air and sounds of wild birds.  All are in cages except for Abdul, my African grey, who can’t fly and loves to just wander on the deck.  He lords it over all the others that he’s free and they’re not by doing his best strut up and down in front of their cages. Then, just in case they don’t get the point, he tries

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I didn’t think it was possible but…

By weight, my dogs shed at least four pounds of hair per month in my car.  And that doesn’t even count what is shed in the house.  Surely there must be a way to collect this and use it as an alternative energy source. It certainly is renewable.

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