
Let me make sure I have this straight

Just so there’s no mistake. That mealy mouthed little twerp who looks like kids took turns beating him up in grade school, by the name of Alberto Gonzales, is supposed to embody the rule of law in our country today? Yep, in view of this administration’s total disdain for the law and the constitution, that would be about right.  I don’t know about you, but if I were Hispanic, I’d be way pissed that this is what became the first Hispanic United States Attorney General. It’s not unlike John Gotti becoming the first Italian president…except, of course, no one beat

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Questions that need to be seriously asked

If Alaska’s entire congressional delegation ends up indicted, will we be represented by the guy who represents DC?  You know, the one with no voting power or muscle? And if that happens, will Bush be able to nationalize our Permanent Fund for the fight against terror without any opposition?  Inquiring minds want to know.

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Bragging rights


I know. I know. I’m only the godmother so I really had little to do with this beautiful mom and her son. But damn it, I changed her diapers too so I helped a little. And I’ve changed his diapers, even though it is now exponentially harder for me to get down on the floor for the task. So I should have some bragging rights. And if this isn’t one of the most beautiful mother/child combinations ever in the history of this whole, wide world, then you don’t know squat…because it is.

Emily and Rhodes Vann Pruett.  What a gorgeous

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Good neighbors make a good neighborhood

So I’m wandering around my flower bed pulling out handfuls of what may or may not be stuff that shouldn’t be there when my neighbor from across the circle stops by to ask me if I want some Kenai River reds.  Anyone in Alaska immediately knows he’s talking about fresh salmon. I eagerly accept and have two fresh, never frozen fillets waiting for me and my company tonight. And that’s how to be a good neighbor.

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Dog fighting

Could there be much that is more reprehensible than torturing dogs so that they become mean and want to fight? What horrible impulse drives that behavior in humans?  It scares the hell out of me.

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Well, we’ve been successful in at least one way

Reading about all the US cash missing in Iraq that seems to have mysteriously found its way into politicians’ pockets, it occurs to me that we have quite successfully exported political corruption there. If only democracy could actually flouish as well. But I don’t suppose Halliburton is as anxious to teach that.

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Columns 2007

On being a fat child

I grew up on the Jersey shore. Spending summers on the beach down the block from dad’s store was the only way to keep cool in a world without air conditioning.  When I was in 8th grade, I was down the beach with friends. A boy I’d been in school with since kindergarten made an unflattering comparison of me in a bathing suit to a large boat. I went home, took my bathing suit off and essentially never put one on again. I announced that I was allergic to the sun and sand and just didn’t want to go there

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It’s like Lovey has returned

My friend Rob was here today. He met Blue and Blondie for the first time. He took one look at Blue and exclaimed, “Lovey”. And in an instant I realized how right he was. Blue looks a lot like Lovey, my faithful companion for seventeen years in Barrow. In fact, Rob was the one who named her when she was just a puppy.  I wonder now if that’s what attracted me to her when I saw her picture on the Friends of Pets website. Did I instinctively react to the resemblance? And then, of course, I got her home and

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Harry, Harry, Harry

It rained in Anchorage all day Sunday which meant I could curl up in my chair and read Harry Potter without feeling any guilt at all…all right, a little guilt because my dogs looked stricken when they realized that they weren’t going to get a walk. But it was raining hard enough that I didn’t care. And so I finished it before anyone managed to blow the ending for me.  I happy about the ending in some ways and disappointed in others. I won’t say much more because I don’t want to blow it for anyone who hasn’t finished.  But

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I’m alone and loving it

My summer roommate is gone for the week and my company left a few days ago. The first night I was alone I spent wandering around in my underwear talking outloud and thrilling at the fact that there was no one here to hear me or think me odd.  OK, maybe the dogs did look at me strangely but once I pretended I was actually talking to the birds, they went back to their evening naps.  Wouldn’t want to keep them awake too long in the evening or they won’t have the strength to sleep all night.

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