
Lest there be any doubt….

Lest there be any doubt, I am holed up in my house with Harry and will communicate with no one till I have finished the book for fear the ending will be accidentally revealed to me.  Oh Harry, we hardly knew ye!

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Dogs are winning

Every once in a while I give in to the temptation to see if I can outsmart my dogs. This time I tried to fix the side of a bird cage to the back seat of my car so they would be confined to the very back and not get dog hair all over the car…to say nothing of the safety factor when Blue feels it necessary to lean into me every time I start breaking and, in doing so, pins my right arm to my side.  Needless to say, the score is still Dogs: 1million and one. Human: nothing.

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Windshield wipers

Am I the only one who thinks that the person who thought up the intermittant speed for windshields wipers is a genius?  Or is that a product of my soggy brain due to one too many days of rain this month?

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Columns 2007

BushCheney to Special Olympics…not on my watch!

I realize that Alaska has a credibility gap when it comes to science and technology in politics.  I mean, seriously, will Comedy Central never tire of showing that clip of Uncle Ted’s tube explanation of the Internet. Does no one in the lower 48 get that to an Alaskan, everything good comes from a tube, which is just another word for pipe?  Can you say oil pipeline? Can you say gas pipeline?  It was a natural metaphor for an Alaskan to use.

Don Young is a bit harder to explain what with his “there is no scientific proof of global

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Separated at birth

Alfred E Newman and George W. Bush…..no, that won’t work. Alfred has a brain….oh wait, maybe when they were separated, the doctors gave him the brain and George the….what in the hell did George get?

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Meet Rhodes…possibly the most perfect baby ever


On May 31, 2007, my godchild Emily delivered a beautiful and perfect little baby boy named Rhodes Vann Pruett.  He’s so perfect, even his poop doesn’t stink. At least, according to his doting grandmother and great-fairy-godmother, it doesn’t.  I chose these two pictures to introduce him to the world because I love the look on Emily’s face as she stares at her new son in the first picture. The second picture I love because I think it proves without a doubt that men start very early clinging to our boobs and this proves it.  Even in infancy, Rhodes instinctively knows

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California spay and neuter law

For so long as there is one dog or cat, or bird or ferret or rabbit, sitting in a shelter waiting to be killed because they are unwanted, no one should be allowed to breed animals for pets. And I really could give a damn about the AKC and purebreeds.  This is about basic humanity and compassion for all creatures. Check out St. Francis of Assisi for more info.

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I can die now….

OK, this has finally gotten too weird even for me. Bush’s former surgeon general has now testified that he was told not to attend the Special Olympics because of its connection to a certain prominent political family.  I can die now. Bushcheney has now destroyed the last bit of faith I had in life.

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