Columns 2017

A country of war

I’m probably not the only person in this world who is very, very glad to say goodbye to 2016. It was a horrible year. And I’m not just talking about the Orangeman’s election. Yes, that will probably be the downfall of democracy and our country as we know it, but it still wasn’t the worst part of 2016. That honor goes to the endless wars in the Middle East.

We are now in our 15th year of war there and are no closer to solving the problem of terrorism than we were the day after 9/11. In fact, there Continue reading →


Another day at Bird TLC

Heading off to my first day of 2017 at Bird TLC. If anyone out there is worried about retiring and wondering if life holds meaning beyond retirement, I heartily suggest you find your passion and pursue it. That’s what I did. And my retirement has been filled with eagle poop and owl pellets and friendly nips from my Cache Crow Kodi and I could not be happier or feel more fulfilled.

There is life beyond a paying job and it’s more wonderful than you can imagine. No paycheck can equal the thrill of watching an eagle you’ve helped rehab be Continue reading →


Happy Friggin’ New Year

Woke up to find three piles of poop from one of the dogs who was too polite to wake me up to go out. Yep, this year is starting out just about the way I expected it to be. Spent last night listening to Snowy bark and pant as the idiots around my neighborhood set off fireworks that shook my windows. Carm and Nayla slept through the whole thing.

Is it 2020 yet? Continue reading →


Go away, 2016

I used to write a humorous column for the paper before each New Year about people and things relegated to my permanent Hall of Infamy. But this year has simply overwhelmed me with so many choices for that honor that I’ve decided to can the whole concept for now.

I can’t wait for 2016 to end, except of course for the fact that 2017 brings the end of my country and our democracy as we’ve known it as Orangeman and his cadre of billionaires and military/industrial generals complete the destruction of all we once held dear.

I still find it Continue reading →


There is hope for the no-butts

There is a joke in our family about the fact that Sereni’s have no butts. None. Nada. Zilch. The only time one of us ever could lay claim to anything resembling a butt is when my sister was thrown from a horse and her left butt cheek was so swollen it looked like she had at least half of one.

But lo and behold, there is no reason for despair. She butt dialed me last night. So despite the lack of protuberance, even those of us who are butt-less can still make a butt dialed call. Learning this has made Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Mainstreaming children

My heart broke a little with every word I read about the recent move by the school district to mainstream children with significant behavioral problems into regular classrooms. My heart broke for the parents who wanted to protect their children from a disruptive school atmosphere and those parents who wanted their child to get a chance at making it in a regular setting.

There are no winners or losers in this scenario. Parents on both side of the issue have valid points to make and valid concerns to express. I have worked with children who end up in special classes Continue reading →


This and that

Don’t miss my column in the paper today or on this site tomorrow. It’s about the controversy associated with trying to mainstream special needs children into regular classrooms here in Anchorage.

Also forgot to announce when I moved to this new site that I am now able to take comments from readers. Couldn’t do it before because I had no way of controlling the spam. And really, how many viagra ads does one blog need? But now I can go in and dump the spam and just allow real comments to appear. So yea for progress. Let me know what Continue reading →