
Pot and seniors

So the greatest demand for pot, and the fastest growing demographic for its use, is seniors. To which I say, welcome back fellow hippies. Now that the kids are gone, isn’t it delightful to munch a brownie, watch reruns of NCIS and not give a crap where your kids are since they are busy worrying where their kids are? We were right in the sixties and we are right now. Ban alcohol. Legalize pot. Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Would someone go knock on the door please.

I hear the Alaska legislature is in special session trying to do what it couldn’t do in the regular session or the extended session. But it’s so quiet down in Juneau I have to wonder if they’re really there or just faking us out. Someone should knock on the chamber door and see if anyone is home.

On second thought, isn’t this the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. They couldn’t differentiate their asses from a hole in the ground for the first four months. Why do we think a Continue reading →


Here’s how you know you’re old

Got my hair done at the hairdresser. Dyed. Cut. Styled. Then came home, put on a t-shirt and spent the night hugging dogs and birds while watching TBBT reruns.

But I looked damn fine sitting on that couch.

In my youth, the whole hair thing would have been an excuse to go out. In my old age, it’s just what I have to do once a month to continue to look civilized enough to be in polite company.

All things considered, I’d rather be with my animals. And they don’t give a crap what my hair looks like. Continue reading →


As I drag myself back from the edge of death…

I have been so sick for the past two weeks that I was ready to throw in the towel and see what the next world held. Then I heard an interview with Donald Trump. I can’t move very fast so it took a few seconds before I could change the channel. And in those few seconds, I realized that the reality of Donald Trump as a candidate for president of this country is so disturbing to me that I want to go back to that edge and see if what’s on the other side isn’t better. Can’t imagine how it Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Huggins and Meyer are just schoolyard bullies

Here’s the lines in Senator Kevin Meyer’s Sunday opinion piece that actually made me spit up a bit. “After hearing a ‘budget first’ mantra all year, the governor chose to include issues on the special session ranging from insurance to foster care guidelines. These issues are important but are they urgent compared to addressing the $4.1 billion deficit and impending flurry of pink slips?” He goes on to moan and whine about how it’s all the fault of the governor and the Democrats despite the fact that his party controls both Alaska Houses.

So let’s take a look at some reality here. If in fact Mr. Meyer has been hearing a budget first mantra all year, why don’t we have a budget? Lest there be any doubt, all of us here in the hinterlands heard that mantra. We simply couldn’t figure out how supposedly intelligent legislators managed to work for four months and still come up looking surprised that they accomplished absolutely nothing.

Columns 2016

It’s baby bird season

The sun is shinning, the trees are blooming, the flowers are blossoming, so it must be baby bird season.

Baby birds are not terribly cute except in a “so ugly they’re cute” fashion. The first thing you think when you see a featherless baby bird is dinosaur. Because this is exactly what a naked little baby bird looks like.  Birds are descendants of the dinosaurs that once roamed this earth.


I was going to complain but

Been sick for four days now. Sick as in unable to walk from bed to couch without being exhausted. I was going to complain until I heard last night that a wonderful lady who once worked for me, Sarah Jacoby, died on Sunday. Suddenly I found myself very grateful that I could still bitch and moan about my illness… something Sarah can no longer do. And knowing Sarah, something she never did. Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Is this what we’ve come to?

So this is what it’s come to. Statesmanship, patriotism, the welfare of our country, not giving the button to nuclear weapons to a reality star… all this goes by the wayside because party unity and hating the Clintons is more important. I have been disappointed in our congressional delegation many times in the past but this time is the worse. They are all uniting behind Donald Trump because they believe defeating Hillary Clinton is more important than electing someone with even a modicum of credentials for the job of United States President.

This is like a patient asking for someone who just got a nurse’s assistant diploma from DeVry University to do their open-heart surgery because they don’t like the highly credentialed surgeon available for the procedure.