
Big penises

Maybe I am reaching the old prude stage. Maybe I just have some semblance of good taste left. Maybe I just reach the end of my rope faster now. But I am SOOOO tired of going to websites I visit regularly for any number of reasons…ok, they are mostly sites on Comics.com….and finding myself facing obnoxious ads about bigger penises. Do men not get that it’s not size that counts half as much as technique? I mean, how old do they have to be before it sinks in their tiny little brains that if they don’t know what to do with it, it could be the size of an elephant’s and it still won’t do the job? And that coy ad with a line up of naked men with hats over their private parts….seriously juvenile on the level of middle school. Topped only by the ad featuring the lady whose eyes look like someone has just blown into her mouth while holding her nose so her eyes bulge out….really, can’t we all just agree to grow up this year?