
What the owls must think

Bird TLC held its annual Owl-O-Ween events over the weekend. We bring our education owls to various locations and in some, the kids come in costume and get to do all kinds of fun things. So I went with my friends and their grandson to one of the events. And all I could do was wonder what the owls thought as they watched freakishly dressed humans enter the rooms.  Did they wonder how we ever became the pre-eminent species on this planet (at least in our own minds)? Did they think their caretakers had finally lost their minds, as they somehow had known we would? Or did they just wisely shake their heads and think that we were all, in the end, just kids at heart who loved to play dress up and be someone else… anyone else… someone without a mortgage or bills or a bad marriage or a rotten teenager.

Halloween really is an adult holiday in the end.