
A simple solution

So the screams and cries and angst over the nomination of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court reaches yet another level of anxiety and concern. Did he or didn’t he try to rape a girl in high school.

For those of you who think that this should not be an issue because it happened so long ago, do you really want your argument to be aligned with that of the Catholic Church over its sex abuse scandals?

OK, here’s the thing. This appointment is for life. So doesn’t it make sense to hold off on any vote until we are absolutely Continue reading →


Alaska’s “no balls” delegation

Despite the fact that only one of our esteemed congressional delegation has the right to claim no balls by birth, none of them seems to have any at all – even those who should have them no matter how low they now hang.

Over the course of the past year, the POS currently sullying the White House has said and done things that have violated the ethics and morals of any good and decent person. The tweet about the deaths in Puerto Rico alone should have been met with swift and loud condemnation by anyone with even an ounce of Continue reading →


It’s the economy, stupid.

That’s the line from Bill Clinton’s campaign that has become immortalized in political circles for being the most succinct statement of what is needed to win ever made. Here’s my problem with it today.

Every supporter of the POS currently sullying the White House points to a healthy economy and low unemployment as reasons why he is actually a success and we should leave him alone. First, he is not solely responsible for the healthy economy or low unemployment but, as we all know, his ego will not let him admit that.

But secondly, and most importantly, for all you Continue reading →


Bird TLC Fundraiser with great food

The lovely folks at Doriola’s Restaurant are hosting a fundraiser dinner for us

On Friday, 21st September 2018 from 5-7:30 pm.

A portion of the sales will be donated to Bird TLC.

John and Flame will be welcoming guests at 5pm in front of the restaurant!

Please join us for a delicious BBQ and bring your friends and families!

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So now what, Lisa?

AFN has come out in opposition to Kavanaugh. AFN.  You remember them, right? When you needed them, they were there for you. They put you over the top in your write in campaign. They have remained some of your most faithful voters.

So what are you going to do now, Lisa, now that they oppose this joke that is looking to get a job that will affect Native American and Alaska Native rights for possibly decades to come? Forget about women’s rights. I’m guessing as the mother of only boys this is not as important to you. You are past Continue reading →


One of THOSE days

Started out going to a place at 4111 Minnesota Blvd. to get the color for the crown on my tooth done correctly. Got there to find out that here in Alaska, we apparently don’t give a crap about providing access to everyone. The business was on the second floor and there was no handicap access. They had handicap parking spaces but those were just to lull you into a false sense of security because, once you so conveniently parked, there was no way to get to where you needed to go. So I guess if you want the service, you Continue reading →


Lisa clearly and blatantly lied to Alaskans

She told us she would represent us independent of party politics. That’s why her write in campaign was so successful. We believed her because we were desperate to believe that there were honorable people in politics. Alaska Natives, in particular, turned out in droves to push her to the top in her contested election. They thought she stood with them.

But we can now see that she didn’t. It was just another move of political convenience from another run of the mill politician. Because if she meant what she said, she would not vote Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court based Continue reading →


Me thinks he doth protest too much

My mother always knew we were lying based on how vigorously we denied we were. No matter how smooth we thought we were being as kids, the minute the lies started, she’d look at us and quote Shakespeare. (That’s the danger of a mother who is an English major.)

When I hear POS ranting about Woodward’s book or the op ed in the NYT or Omarosa’s claims, that quote constantly leaps to mind.

If there isn’t any truth to what is being said about him, why is he so beyond hysterical in his efforts to call it fake news and Continue reading →


I wonder when it happened

Watching the frightening idiocy coming out of the White House to the dead silence of the Republican Party, I have to wonder if they just accidentally lost their spines or had them surgically removed so they could make it through this presidency. This “family values” party, this party of “Christian conservatives”, this party of ” fiscal responsibility” is now sitting silent as their putative leader violates every tenet they ever claimed to hold sacred.

For me, one of the most outrageous actions is their attempt to pass another tax cut bill as federal employees are denied a pay raise due Continue reading →


I don’t understand

Or maybe I do. Lisa Murkowski is apparently considering voting to give a man who has questioned Alaska Native rights a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. How is that even possible?

I thought I couldn’t get past her possible support of a man who thought birth control pills were pre-abortion pills. I mean – what century does this man come from? Possibly the same century that thought an all male priesthood was a good idea? That was a thousand years ago… yep, that’s about right.

But to betray some of her most devoted constituents by putting a man on Continue reading →