pictures, Scribblings

Just to continue annoying my cousin Joe


After annoying him for a lifetime, it’s nice to know I haven’t lost my touch. So this dog picture is just for you, Joe. Because I know it’s what you live for.

In this lovely photo, Carm (playing the part usually assigned to my sister Judy) is trying to pull a recalcitrant Snowy (usually played by me) through the fun of an afternoon walk in the sun. Neither Snowy nor I like the sun. And once Snowy has put his butt down, Carm has no better chance of moving him than my sister does of getting me to do her

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pictures, Scribblings

Happy Anniversary, Snowy


Happy Anniversary, Snowy. You came to me one year ago today and, in a house already filled with love and animals, you showed me that there is infinite room to add more love and animals. No matter what BuddhaBubba and Carm might occasionally mutter, and no matter how much the birds scream at you, our lives would not be half as full of love and fun without you.

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pictures, Scribblings

Snowy in deep contemplation


“Will she remember to give me the chicken skin in my dinner tonight? Will she try to throw my toy out of bed just because it’s a bit moist from my gumming it? Will she ever understand how much the world will collapse if I don’t jump out of bed at 3 AM barking wildly at the noise being made by passing geese? When will she finally let me chase those fun toys she keeps in cages all over my house? Will I ever convince her that licking your own butt is actually kind of fun?”

Such are the deep

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pictures, Scribblings

It may be summer


but BuddhaBubba is clearly contemplating fall and getting her autumn color palate in order.

Note to my sister Judy… no, you can’t make a snide comment about my dog having more fashion sense than me, even if it is true.

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pictures, Scribblings

Missed Anniversary


May 4 was the second anniversary of the arrival of BuddhaBubba and Carm into my life. They have been a joy since the day they arrived… ok, maybe not a joy when they use the pee pads for all their needs because it’s too cold to go out in the winter, but aside from those months… ah heck, anyone willing to cuddle up with me at night despite the snoring emanating from all of us that can be heard on Venus are a year round joy to me.

Happy anniversary.  And no, this doesn’t mean you are getting steak tonight

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