you visit his fire department. Hats off to all the firemen who run towards a fire the rest of us run from…
you visit his fire department. Hats off to all the firemen who run towards a fire the rest of us run from…
Well, that didn’t last too long. The first night I was back, all three dogs slept glued to my side in bed. The second night, two out of the three got in with me. One didn’t even try and one of the two on the bed with me got off in the middle of the night to sleep elsewhere. Last night, only one got in bed with me and he got off before morning. Either they are already over my two week absence or my snoring is as bad as my sister describes.
You know you order too much take out when the Chinese restaurant delivery guy expresses relief that you’re ok because you’ve been out of town and haven’t ordered in a while and they were worried about you.
Details of Cuba trip to follow after I’ve slept long enough to not feel like a bucket of sand is in my eyes. Why, you ask, am I feeling this way? Well, I left my sister’s house on Friday at 12:30. I got to the Philly airport at 3 PM. My Alaska Airline flight was delayed SEVEN hours making me miss my connection. They had to change two tires on the plane and the tires were in Newark, NJ and had to be driven to Philly. Then spent three hours in SeaTac waiting for 6:10 AM flight to Anchorage. Got
One – today marks the 41st anniversary of the day I first set foot in Barrow. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it was an amazing and wonderful adventure that introduced me to some of the dearest people in my life today. You all know who you are so I don’t have to name names… do I, Sandra? Greta? Joe? Beverly? Kent? and so many more.
Two – today I start my trip to Cuba. I am going completely unplugged due to the limited and expensive access available for the Internet there. It’s been a long time
I’ve been away fro my brood for a week and I miss their furry and feathered little faces. The night before I left, after the suitcases came out, they were so freaked they all slept in bed with me curled up so close I couldn’t move. Snowy was so worried that even after he got out of bed to barf on the carpet next to my bed and loudly eat what he’d barfed up, he jumped back into bed to share the rest of my night with me. You can’t find that kind of love everywhere.
Today marks the 41st year of my life in Alaska. It’s hard to believe so much time has gone by. But what a great life Alaska gave me. What an amazing life Barrow gave me. How lucky am I that I answered that ad in the back of the American Journal of Nursing and then made myself get on that plane in NYC to fly into what seemed to be an unknown land holding unknown adventures. Who would have ever imagined that the adventures would be so darn wonderful. Thanks everyone. Thanks Alaska.
Oh who am I kidding. I’m not going to prepare for Cuba today. I’m going to visit my old friends in Atlantic City. You might know them. There name is The Penny Slots.
The wedding is over. The bride was beautiful. The groom was handsome. The parents were appropriately sentimental. The dogs did not attend. Bummer.
Based on my own experience, one would expect me to not be very enthused about weddings. One would be wrong. I am not enthused about marriage but family weddings are always welcomed because in my family, everyone shows up. We may not pay a lot of attention to the bride and groom because, after all, we see them all the time anyway. But oh what fun to reconnect with those far flung members of the clan who seem to appear only for weddings and funerals due to distance and time. The big question is, as it always is when the