
Ah rain

There are those who worship the sun. I don’t. I cheer for snowy, rainy, cloudy or otherwise not sunshiny days.

It’s how I feel and everyone needs to just get over it.

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Columns 2015

I hate goodbyes

Last night I sat down with a margarita and the last four Daily Shows that I’d taped. I started crying right after Jon Stewart appeared. Too many goodbyes this year. Letterman, Colbert, now Stewart. The people who made the world a little more understandable and funny are now gone and I’m left to make up my own jokes. I feel like I’ve just watched the passing of a very golden age of TV and can only hope the people taking over can be even half as good.

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On the one hand

On the one hand, Donald Trump makes my skin crawl. On the other hand, his bombastic rants were the only true moments in the Republican debates. All the other candidates took whatever question was asked them and in about two sentences were back on their boring and repetitive talking points. You could have had Siri answering for as much color and reality they put in their responses. All were calculated to hit certain words and phrases that would first up the “base”.

Sadly, the Democrats will probably be about the same since they probably won’t let Bernie Sanders debate with

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The Mormon Church and the Boy Scouts

When 15-year-old Jose Vasquez found himself in a plane wreck with one person dead and three others seriously injured, he used skills he learned as a Boy Scout to save their lives. And now three people have another chance at life because he knew what to do.

I’m going to guess that those three people don’t care who taught Jose how to save their lives. I bet they don’t care if his instructors were male or female, gay or straight, black, white, yellow or any shade in-between. Because the only thing that matters is that a volunteer Scout leader taught

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Why am I not surprised

Donald Trump is skipping the debate this week. Why am I not surprised that he’s afraid to get into a situation that will actually show how stupid and ignorant he really is?

I think we should get the names of all the people supporting Donald Trump and take their voting privileges away as being too dumb to be trusted to vote.

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Are you freakin’ kidding me!

It will get close to 80 degrees here today and tomorrow and mid seventies the rest of the week. I am in hell. This is not why I live in Alaska. I moved from Barrow to Anchorage specifically because this is not Fairbanks where it’s forty below all winter and 100 above all summer. I move to Anchorage where it is supposed to be damp, rainy and cool. So what the hell is it with all this sunshine? Oh god, make it be winter quickly.

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It’s official

I can’t walk my dogs when the temps get over 72. They pant and choke the entire walk and then come back and throw up water they drank last month.  They are Alaskan dogs. They want cold!

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Let me see if I have this straight

According to the transcripts from a lawsuit in which Donald Trump was deposed, aside from proving what some of us already knew about what an asshole he is, he also apparently gave us a glimpse into his version of finance. In his world, he evaluates his worth based on how he’s feeling on any given day about the world in general. So a property he valued at $80 million one year, suddenly was worth $150 milllion based on how he was feeling about it the next year. No appraisal needed. Now we know how he manages to claim he’s worth

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So as I stood in the bird room getting ready to feed everyone, I saw one of my parrots casually throw his leg over the cockatoo in order to have a little afternoon delight. At the same time, my one dog, Snowy, was joyously chewing something he’d picked up under one of the bird cages. My other dog, Carm, was watching Snowy’s mouth intently and every time it opened even slightly for the chewing action, tried to stick his nose in so he could smell what was being chewed.  I quietly walked out of the room thinking that this could

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