Columns 2015

Tie PFD to the vote

We frequently read about countries in which people walk for days to get to a polling booth and then risk death by actually voting. We’re awed by the courage it takes to vote under those conditions. Then we go back to our lattes and forget that in this country, we have basically thrown our voting privilege away by avoiding the voting booth in droves.

It sometimes seems that the people who vote the least bitch the most. Many justify not voting by saying that no candidate pleases them completely. If they can’t have a perfect candidate, then they just won’t

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I keep trying

I keep trying to retire and I can’t figure out if it’s because I can’t say no or simply am too stupid to figure out how, but 15 years later and I’m still trying. That’s just wrong.

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Please, oh please

Please, oh please Donald, run as an independent when you don’t get the Republican nomination. Do it for those of us who earn our dogs’ treat money from writing about the world in which we live and why we so often find it absurdly amusing. Without you, it will just be a race of the regular crazies. With you… well, with you, it climbs to a whole new level of insanity that I have a feeling I will thoroughly enjoy while piously condemning.

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When people ask how I ended up in Barrow…

…this is my response. Thank you Robert Frost.

The Road Not Taken – Poem by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim

Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had

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Columns 2015

Just an ugly, hateful little man

When Donald Trump entered the presidential race I reacted as many columnists did. We tried to suppress our glee. But he keeps crossing lines that make me feel as though the fun we’re having watching this blowhard is now tainted by the nasty, ugly content of his message and, perhaps even more troubling, the acceptance of that ugliness by way too many people.

Donald Trump comes from the same part of the world in which I originated so I am perhaps more familiar with his type of bloviated ego and strange hair than others. The first casino he opened in

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My bucket list

Let’s see how we’re doing on the old bucket list.  We’ve had an African American president, gays can marry, pot is legal, and we may very well elect our first female president in 2016. Now if someone would just open up a hole to hell and drop Donald Trump into it, my bucket list would be very near completion.

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Teen angel

Remember how in the song she goes back to the car to get his high school ring and dies? I used to think that was so romantic and sad. Now I just think, “Idiot!”

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