
So let’s check in on how things are going financially.

I brought my car in for an oil change and ended up with a fourteen hundred dollar gasket or head or something job. Had my deck pressure washed only to find out I need about $500 in replacements for wood that is rotting. Every time I wash my dishes, there is a stream of water from the washer onto the floor. I do’t even want to think about it. That’s why god made mops.

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All things considered

When you consider that the Republicans made it their only goal in life to defeat everything Barack Obama tried to do, I think Obama deserves big kudos for getting as much done as he has. Too bad our politicians can’t figure out a way to work together again but instead view the system as some ancient gladiatorial contest in which one must die and one emerge victorious. How pathetic has our supposed democracy become when the only goal is to defeat the president as opposed to what might be best for the country. Just sad.

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pictures, Scribblings

Oh no, mom, not the suitcase!


Snowy, having been apparently traumatized by my long absence, has decided no one else is ever allowed to pack a suitcase and leave this house without him. Unfortunately, Janis couldn’t take him to Dutch Harbor with her so he was booted out of the suitcase but compensated with many, many, many treats.

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Columns 2015

Sempi Fi!

This is a story with disparate characters who eventually come together. The characters include me, a Marine and Alaska Airlines. Alaska Airlines gets mentioned because coming home to them after flying on other carriers is like climbing back into mom’s womb.

But let’s start at the beginning. I was flying from Philadelphia to San Diego on United with a plane change in Houston. A thunderstorm was in full roar as we boarded the flight to San Diego. We sat on the runway for four hours waiting to take off during which time United offered us each one cookie and a

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The more he climbs in the Republican polls, the more I find myself practicing saying “President Clinton”. I wouldn’t be surprised to find Democrats contributing to his campaign in the hope he gets the nomination.

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The definition of insanity

One of the truest definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The US has had the same policy for over fifty years towards Cuba and it has resulted in nothing… no one has been released from jail, the Castro brothers are still in charge and some form of communism is still the law of the land. So President Obama decided maybe it’s time to try something new. And what do the Republicans in Congress do? They say they will block his efforts. Apparently they think fifty years is not enough time

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pictures, Scribblings

In case you missed this on Facebook


My suite mate Nancy and I our senior year in college. I can only hope that’s a joint she’s smoking given that I’m holding a coconut head and nun’s doll. Any other explanation for the props would just be too weird. And don’t even ask me about the granny cap on my head. Either that was part of being stoned or I was showing an early tendency towards the fashionable person I never became.

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