Columns 2015, pictures

A truly blended family


If you want to know what you look like to friends and relatives when explaining that twenty below weather is not bad because it’s a dry cold, then pay close attention to their faces as they explain to you that eighty plus degrees with three thousand percent humidity is good for your skin. No one is buying the other one’s story.

This thought occurs to me as I return from a trip to the East Coast to visit family. My mother swore that my sister and I came from the same father and that we are both her natural children.

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Oh the trauma


Snowy missed me but did not turn psychotic over my absence. I wish the same could be said of Carm. Not sure I’ll ever be able to go to the bathroom again without him trying to jump on my lap to make sure if I go down with the flush, he goes with me.

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Back to the birds

Today’s my first day back at Bird TLC since my trip out. Can’t wait to see all the birds. On the other hand, they’ve been busier than hell with baby birds. So maybe this desire to be back among them will last a shorter time than expected. Either way, eagle poop here I come.

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Living the dream

Last week this time I thought I’d never get home again and I’d was so homesick. Today I find myself scrubbing bird poop and sweeping up the ripped papers from Abdul and I think to myself, “Living the dream”.

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The only real question

The only real question is how long it will be before Carm detaches himself from my leg so that I don’t risk breaking it every time I try to move. He’s apparently determined that I will never leave this house without him again. Nice to have at least one creature in this world so devoted to me. Just wish he were rich.

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Columns 2015

Take that, PETA!

Last week was one heck of a week, wasn’t it? The Affordable Care Act got upheld, marriage equality was extended to all people in this country, Obama sang Amazing Grace a capella and actually pulled it off and Bristol Plain proved the efficacy of the abstinence program she advocated for so long as they were paying her a lot of money. Yep, what a way to begin the summer.  Alaska’s fires stopped making national headlines. Our earthquake was lost in the fog of funerals. Even Donald Trump’s insane rantings couldn’t get him front page coverage in the face of such

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I guess I need to count my other blessings

I’m not sure there is anyone in the history of the world who has had less luck, whether it be in a casino at a slot machine or buying a raffle ticket. The one time I left Vegas with more than I’d arrived with, I got home and my hot water heater exploded. Cost me three times what I thought I’d won.

While visiting my sister in Atlantic City, I played the slots one night and might as well have just handed my money to the cashier and gone for a sub. The casino got it all anyway. And tonight

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On the road again

Once more I am heading to an airport to fly all day to get to a very important event. And once again my normally sunny disposition will be clouded by the indignities of what passes for flying today. I must steel myself for 7 hours of elbows in my ribs, leg room meant for a three year old and exorbitant charges for my audacity in thinking I should be able to bring a suitcase with me for a trip.

Oh god, oh god!

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