
Raspberries – Alaska’s zucchini

You know those stories about people sneaking on to their neighbors’ porches in the middle of the night with bags of zucchini from their garden that they leave there? Well, in Alaska, those of us with raspberries growing in our back yard are tempted to do the same thing.

I was unaware of the ability of raspberries to pretty much take over every part of my yard in such a short time. When I moved here, I moved from Utqiagvik where no raspberries grow. My childhood was spent in a city where Mr. Letizia’s fig tree – which put out Continue reading →



POS’ disapproval rating soared to 60%. Clearly he is making America great again if only by forcing us to find our moral center and take a stand against his moral center.

Here’s the thing though. If all those people who disapprove of him don’t vote, they’ll be able to disapprove of him for a lot longer than most of us would wish. And if history is any guide, they won’t. The majority of Americans sit on their hands during most elections and then bitch after it’s over that they don’t like the results. They then use that fact to justify Continue reading →


Why is anyone surprised

Don’t know why anyone would be surprised that the current pope and his predecessor knew about, and participated in covering up, sexual abuse by Catholic clergy. The man didn’t spring up from nowhere to become pope. Before he got that job, he spent his life as part of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. And I honestly find it hard to believe that in all those years he never heard one rumor or complaint about abuse by clergy.

Once again, this is the Catholic Church saying it wants to resolve the issue while simultaneously slamming the doors shut and retreating Continue reading →


Free Range Parenting

So one of the odder stories of the week concerns a parent who sent her 8 year old out to walk the dog in their suburban neighborhood only to have a neighbor call the police and social services because she was putting a child in danger by letting her out alone. Both the police and social services showed up to investigate. The caller had reported the child was 5 when, in fact, she was 8. But that didn’t seem to make a difference. An investigation had to happen.

Now I’m not sure what my mother’s reaction would have been if Continue reading →


Just call it what it is

I find myself wondering when the news media will run out of euphemisms for the word “lie” every time POS speaks and call it what it is. They seem to be twisting themselves into knots to call the lies coming out of POS’ mouth anything but outright lies. There is a big difference between a mistaken statement and an outright lie. A mistake is an accident. A lie is deliberate. And POS is very, very deliberately lying every time he opens his mouth.

It’s like he can’t help himself because he has the impulse control of a toddler. Or, god Continue reading →


Another day, another shooting. Yawn…

There’s been another mass shooting in Florida. Hey, wake up! I know this is boring and repetitive but we need to at least pretend we care enough about mass shooting victims to stay awake while their story is told.

So, of course, I send out my thoughts and prayers to all the victims and their families. Gag. I mean, seriously, gag! How can we keep saying that over and over again and not think that at some point it loses its validity if it is not backed by action. And it’s not.

The majority of Americans claim to want stricter Continue reading →


Give me a break

The same POS who claimed a man held prisoner and tortured for over five years in Vietnam is not a hero never went to war because of his bone spurs. Jesus H Christ. What an unmitigated asshole. What a pathetic excuse for a human being. What a tiny, tiny penis he must have if the only way he can feel manly is by taking down a real man.

OK, let’s be straight here. John McCain is responsible for Sarah Palin and all the horrors that have followed that choice. We’ve been forced to deal with unwed mothers, alcohol fueled rages, Continue reading →


About those nuns

So some nuns have been arrested in Scotland for physically and sexually abusing children over the more than 100 years they ran an orphanage there. I want to say “Welcome to the priesthood” to them but even with these clearly needed credentials, they are still not allowed in.

I am beginning to believe more and more that the problem is that any organization that leaves out half of humanity – no matter which half – tends to attract people who want to get away with shit that they would otherwise be called out on. I can think of no all Continue reading →


Guns or Peckers

We really need to learn how to laugh about some of this stuff so we don’t want to kill ourselves. And today is a day for that laughter as a man named Pecker makes a deal with the prosecution that will involved testimony against your favorite POS and his myriad porn stars. At the same time, the Education Secretary this idiot put into office is now considering letting schools use federal money to buy guns.

So let’s break this down. First, Pecker… ok, there really isn’t much to say about that other than the fact that it is a perfectly Continue reading →


If this were a movie script, no one would buy it

Yesterday, two allies of the POS currently sullying the White House became convicted criminals. One of those people ran his campaign. The other was his lawyer. Yet somehow he’d like us to think that he knew nothing about them or their criminal intent.

OK, so let’s take POS at his word. He knew nothing about it. So how stupid does that make him and his staff? Wouldn’t you hope that the people at the top echelons of our government would have the skills needed to investigate the background of anyone purporting to serve a person claiming to be the president Continue reading →