
I could not be sorrier

Upon hearing word that Sarah Palin has whipped crowds into frenzies that leave them screaming Terrorist and Kill Him about Barack Obama, I can only say how truly sorry I am that someone like that is representing my state in any fashion. Isn’t that what Hitler did to justify murdering Jews?  Is this really what Palin wants to do to move her national political career forward?  There is a lot of discontent among Alaska’s First People because they feel this governor has ignored them and is no friend of theirs or their concerns. When she acts like this, she merely

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Well, this is reassuring

The number of e-mails I’m getting from all over the country about my column this week concerning the three ring circus we call Alaska politics is scaring me. People are all reassuring me that they have politicians every bit as crazed and idiotic where they live. Well, that’s comforting for the future of our democracy. 

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Columns 2008

A little less attention please

There are a lot of Alaskans thrilled at the national press we’ve gotten since our governor became McCain’s running mate. But I’m starting to long for the day when most Americans wondered if they needed a passport to get here and weren’t quite sure what continent we were on but thought it was somewhere in the Pacific close to California.

I actually found myself on a San Francisco talk radio show explaining that while we did have an aerial wolf hunt program in place, in actual fact Sarah Palin wasn’t the one who went up in the plane to shoot

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No matter how weird the world of politics gets…and it gets pretty weird this close to an election…when snow falls and covers our world in white, everything seems so clean and peaceful…even the moose in my yard munching on some branches while snow softly builds on his back. Alaska – why you anyone ever want to live anywhere else?

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If the majority of people in most countries claim they really don’t hate the majority of people in most other countries, why do we all keep electing people who do?

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It’s like Alice Through the Looking Glass

The legislative inquiry report on Troopergate’s first finding is that Sarah Palin broke the law. She gives a brief press conference via phone to the media and says she is glad to be fully exonerated by the report. And I have to wonder, can she read? Understand words of more than one syllable?  Take acid before campaign events?

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Seeing Russia from Alaska

When Sarah says that she has foreign policy experience because we can see Russia from Alaska….well, wouldn’t that make everyone who lives in Brownsville, Texas qualified to be secretary of state because they can see Mexico from there?

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Sunday morning on the radio again

I’ll be back with Brian Copeland tomorrow on his radio show out of San Francisco discussing the latest turn of events up here in Alaska in the Troopergate scandal. 

If you want to listen in, I’ll be with Brian at a little after 9 AM San Francisco time.  You can figure out on your own when that is in your time zone…except for my family who, after my being in Alaska 36 years, still have trouble with whether it is earlier or later on the East Coast versus Alaska. So let me help them. If you are my family and

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Only if it comes from the bird cages

If I put carrots or apples or snow peas in my dogs’ dishes for their meal, they would turn their nose up at it and probably turn me in to the ASPCA. But let that same food fall from the bird cages and they stand eagerly under the cages waiting for it to drop like manna from heaven.  I’ll never understand.

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My respect for her continues to diminish

I wish Sarah would find her backbone and say no to the hate campaign they’ve decided she should carry for McCain.  We never saw her like this up here and it makes me wonder, when she loses, who will be coming back to run our state? Is the Sarah we elected anywhere still around?

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