
I realize….

…that there are many more lethal and dreaded diseases than the common cold. But when you are in the midst of that common cold, it seems as lethal as you can get and still survive. So from me to you, cough, hack, snort, cough cough.  Oh god, my soul for a decongestant someone with hypertension can take that will actually work without blowing my arteries out!

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Well, well, well, well, well….

Wow. Alaska politics are nuttier than usual this year.  An indicted senator wins his primary. A forever congressman fights for his political life against a primary opponent with the charisma of Michael Dukakis.  Seems like half the state legislature is in jail or about to go to jail or fighting to stay out of jail.  And now, Sarah for vice-president.

My first thought was that if Sarah runs for vice president and Parnell ends up running for U.S. House, who exactly will be running the state?  That’s when I start smiling. What a wonderful solution to the problems caused by

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How could you not have tears in your eyes

I had tears streaming down my face last night as Barack Obama finished his speech. I remember seeing Dr. King’s speech forty years ago and having the same reaction. I am prouder to be an American right now than I have been for the past eight horrible years under The (OH-MY-GOD-THE-MAN-REALLY-IS-THAT-DUMB) Decider.  I am truly thrilled that I lived long enough to see this day happen. I hope to live at least eight more years and see a woman take her rightful place on that podium when Obama finishes what will surely be his eight years in office.

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Columns 2008

Out, out! Damn political ads!

The primaries are finished, the winners announced. I dance in joy because no matter who won, it means our seemingly endless political season is half way over. I sincerely hope that above all else this means the demise of any and all ads by Vic Vickers; because seriously, even John Lindauer had more credibility. And that is a sentence I never thought I’d write.

Political seasons are like pregnancies. Each time one occurs, you’re surprised by how much worse it was than you remember.  It’s said that God deliberately gave women amnesia about the pain so that the human race

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How to feel really, really old.

Have someone you haven’t seen for forty years, since you graduated from college together, come to visit. The visit is wonderful. But oh those moments at night before falling asleep when you remember how long forty years is…what you once dreamed of doing with your life all those forty years ago…how you once had a lot of curly hair on your head and only one rather firm chin….sigh…

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Happy Primary Day. Happy Birthday.


Happy primary day. Now go vote.

Happy Birthday to my sister Judy who is very, very, very old today.  I think this picture of her says all that needs to be said about how cheerfully she is conducting her march into the bowels of extreme middle age.

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Tomorrow is primary voting day. And the day we vote on all the initiatives. More importantly, it’s the day when all those damn ads will finally stop and we’ll just be down to the ads from the winning candidate in each party until November. My standards are so low concerning the noise and pollution of a political season, that even this small step is a great relief. Now please make Vic Vickers go back to Florida.

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Welcome to the world as we know it


Noah James Pruett born August 19 and weighing in at a trim 6 lb. 4 oz. and stretching out to 19 1/4 inches. Does Grandpop Mush now have his basketball player?

Pictured are mom Emily, dad Gregg and the most wonderful big brother the world will ever see, Rhodes.

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