
If I were queen….

If I were queen, every political commercial running on TV would have a natural expiration date that would occur as close as possible to the day it was created. Once expired, it would be relegated to the trash heap of history, never allowed to be aired again.  See, aren’t you sorry you didn’t make me queen.

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Columns 2007

Twenty years later

A friend visiting from New Jersey was here for the latest headlines in our ongoing “Catch-a-Thieving Politician” game.  I turned to her at one point and jokingly noted that New Jersey was soon going to be forced to concede its “Most Corrupt State in the Union” title to Alaska. She suggested the title transfer already happened.

She pointed out that every day she was here, there was another headline about corrupt politicians and their cronies being investigated, being charged, being tried, being sentenced, appealing sentences, etc. etc. To update that old saying that if you cut Alaska in half, Texas

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What am I not getting

Some publication has apparently paid a gabillion dollars to print the first pictures of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s babies.  Am I the only one who thinks all babies look pretty much the same at that point in their development to everyone but their parents? I mean, that publication could have run a stock photo of any baby. Who would have known? More importantly, who would have cared?

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What is it about Alaska

What is it about Alaska that attracts weird people to move here to run for office? Why don’t they just stay where they’ve been living and run for office there? I mean, at least John Lindauer actually lived here once. But Vic Vikers?  Please make him and his annoying beyond words ads go away.  I have no problem with the concept of taking back Alaska from corrupt politicians, but I would politely like to request that it is taken back by an Alaskan. Geez. At least when this happens in New York State, they get people like Bobby Kennedy and

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Stop the madness

I don’t know what’s worse, the inane chatter from the commentators during the Olympic games which makes EVERYTHING sound like only the Americans count or the painful overdose of political ads about mines and candidates and wolves and….STOP IT! STOP THE MADNESS!  Commentators….just shut the hell up and let the athletes do their thing. Accept that other countries might have athletes who are competing and may actually win. Stop saying that a gymnast who is number fourteen after four rotations has a shot at a medal. We are not idiots. We know he or she doesn’t. Show us competitors from

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Bye Bye Birdie


Bird Treatment and Learning Center Celebrates 20 Years of TLC:

Bird TLC has been returning birds to the wild and educating the public since 1988.

What: 20 Years of TLC: A Bye-Bye Birdie Event

Where: Bird TLC Property above Potter Marsh (aka Old Rabbit Hutch)

When: Saturday, August 23, 2008 11-4pm

Come celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Bird Treatment and Learning Center and the end of the migratory bird season.

This event will include live education birds on display from 11-1pm with a special presentation featuring some of the oldest birds in our program at 12:30.  Various speakers will speak

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Columns 2008

Drug Wars

“Insofar as the government has information not generally available about the merits or demerits of the items we ingest or the activities we engage in, let it give us the information. But let it leave us free to choose what chances we want to take with our own lives.” Milton Friedman, Free To Choose.

Yes, this comes from that Milton Friendman, the conservative economist. I found out about his views on our drug war while listening to a speaker from LEAP – Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. I was invited because I’ve written previous columns questioning the sanity of the drug

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