
Please oh please

Please oh please Hillary. Do the honorable thing and drop out and heal the party. Leave me respecting you at least a little. And a little respect is all I have left at this point for both you and Bill.

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What if….

Almost all science fiction about visitors from outer space is predicated on those visitors being advanced civilizations with earth being a backward little backwater.  But what if we find life on other planets and it turns out WE are the intelligent life form and they are the primitives? How depressing would that be?

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Tattle tales

I’d feel a lot sorrier for George Bush about all his former staff who are coming out with books telling the truth about the lies and deceptions his administration is built on were it not for the fact that if you are an administration of lies and deceits, then these are the type of people you attract. Live with it. The American people have had to for eight years.

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Oh dear lord!

I saw a kid on a skateboard talking on a cell phone today. Thus endeth the last hope for civilization to have a bright future.

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Baggage charge

So now airlines are going to charge for every piece of checked luggage in an attempt to make up revenue. Here’s a better idea. Charge for every piece of carry on luggage instead. It would cut down dramatically on the amount of stuff people try to shove into overhead bins and under their feet, cut boarding prep time in half since you’d just go find your seat and sit down, and create a much better feeling about you among passengers who didn’t try to shove their baby grand piano into a bag and then insist it could fit in the

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Now I’m really depressed

OK, now I’m really depressed. Not only did I pay over $300 to get my plumbing fixed, resulting in my toilet seat now being cold instead of warm, but a friend from college just e-mailed me to tell me she had a face lift, lost 30 lbs. and has an insatiable Italian boyfriend.  I think I’ll go to bed and stay under the covers until Labor Day.

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Columns 2008

Go ride a bike

“When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope seems hardly worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a good spin down the road, without thought of anything but the ride you are taking. …” – Arthur Conan Doyle

Doyle may have been on to something with this idea. As National Bike Month winds down, summer here begins. And summer, plus gas prices that will cause you to retch every time you fill up the old SUV, makes for great bike riding time in Anchorage. So I think we should

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Dear readers, thought you should know

If you read my column in the Anchorage Daily News, you should know that the paper had a difference of opinion with me over what constituted material that can run in a family paper. So I apologize for the edited version of the column that appears in the paper today and urge you to check back here tomorrow when the full, unedited, unexpurgated version will appear on this website. Prepare to cover your children’s eyes.

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When will I learn to leave well enough alone?

So my toilet breaks and I have to call the plumber because the water won’t stop running. While he’s here fixing the myriad things that turn out to be wrong with it, I ask him why the seat always seems warm, like hot water is flowing in. He said that something that separates the hot and cold water flowing into my pipes was probably breaking. He fixed it. So now, when I get up in the middle of the night to use the toilet, instead of a nice warm, inviting seat, I get a cold ring of plastic.  And I

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Memorial Day

I get tears in my eyes when I see young men and women in uniform here in Anchorage because I worry that next year, they will be part of our Memorial Day remembrances because of the stupidity, hubris and totally evil minds of the current group of people sitting in offices in Washington who honestly do not deserve the right to clean the toilets of these brave young men and women.  I want a Memorial Day in which the only thing we will need to memorialize is the death of war and the birth of peace.

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