
Speaking of birds

On Tuesday I got nailed by an osprey. What a wild looking bird. Never had one before at Bird TLC. We were trying to tube feed it and one of the feet got loose and it sunk its talons into my right forefinger. Damn they’re fast!  Then came the joy of trying to pull the talons out without doing further damage. It’s a good thing I love birds.

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It’s the bird lovers

It’s bird lovers who will keep newspaper alive and well. Because without them, what the hell will we line all our birdcages with? During election years, I take particular pleasure in making sure that the politician or candidate who I find most annoying has their face directly under my bird.

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Columns 2008

A nation of haves and have-nots

My friend Earl Finkler had a letter to the editor in the paper last week in which he quoted Robert F. Kennedy as saying, “An America piled high with gold, and clothed in impenetrable armor, yet living among desperate and poor nations in a chaotic world, could neither guarantee its own security nor pursue the dream of civilization devoted to the fulfillment of man.” I wonder how Robert Kennedy would feel if he were alive today and realized that America was both the country piled high with gold and the desperate, poor, chaotic nation at one and the same time?

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Happy Early Birthday

Happy Birthday, Greta, even though it’s a day early. I wish I had a picture to put up of you but I don’t have anything on my computer. So I’ll just have to remember that little girl with the impossibly tight ponytail and the ironed jeans who used to drag a silly white horse with a pink mane around my house for hours at a time. I miss that little girl but I wouldn’t give up the young lady she became to have her back. I’m enjoying your adult friendship much too much…even if you only ever call when you

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My Aunt Adeline

My cousin Joe and I have been reminiscing about the wonderful aunts who filled our childhoods. This is his description of my Aunt Adeline who had polio as a child in the 1920s and spent a life time with physical handicaps that she never let slow her down even a bit.

Aunt Adeline, as far as I am concerned, should be the poster aunt for every Zeccardi niece and nephew that wants to whine and complain.  She had limited availability to education, made sure she was not a burden to her family, overcame her disability, took care of her mother

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Am I the only person who cannot spell encyclopedia without singing it?  Is that a sign of a child of the fifties? Was this Walt Disney’s fault?

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Here’s the thing

If I tried to feed my dogs carrots, they would sniff, turn their noses up and walk away insulted. But if they find half chewed carrots in the bottom of the bird cage, seasoned with just a tad of bird poop….well, then we’re talking veritable feast.

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Responsible pet ownership

There was an article in the paper the other day about a cat killed by a loose pit bull. The pit bull owner was all over the pages apologizing for not making sure he’d locked his animals in the yard securely before leaving for work. The cat owner apparently felt no such need to apologize for the fact that her cat was running loose at 4 AM.  Birds are building nests and fledging their young. Cats kill these little birds all the time because their owners think that cats have some god given right to roam as they please. And

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Columns 2008

Don’t punish the Chinese people for their government’s actions

Here’s the thing we should never do. We should never confuse the government of China with the people of China. That’s why calling for a boycott of the Olympics, as much as I want to show China they can’t just destroy a whole culture without any repercussions, is wrong.  I’ve been to China more than once. I’ve been to Tibet. And the people I met, whether Tibetan or Chinese, were not out to hurt each other. They were just trying to get through the day like you and me, worrying about the kids and what was for dinner.

The first

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