Columns 2008

A farewell to One Wing

My sister is not exactly a bird lover. She lives across from a migratory bird sanctuary but over the years some birds decided to build nests in her front yard instead. Daphne Duck returned annually for about five years. She’d lay her eggs and then defend her clutch against anyone trying to get up the front stairs. Having a cool summer drink on Judy’s porch while watching the sunset on the bay took on a whole new meaning when accompanied by a mad mama duck trying to attack you.

This year, a robin chose to build a nest in a

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After my dogs are through with their morning bathroom call in the yard, they do that lovely doggie thing of scrapping the dirt with their paws and trying…at least in their minds…to cover up what they just did. I always thought that was so silly, especially since nothing ever really gets covered up. Then I got up from my morning break today, reached under the bathroom cabinet, pulled out the air spray and spritzed the bathroom.  And as I did so, I found myself wondering if I was all that far removed from my dogs.  Aren’t we both, in essence,

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The empty mew

I go to Bird TLC for my shift today and will once again have to pass by One Wing’s empty mew. Dr. Scott says if you want to send a message to someone who has passed on, you send it on the wings of an eagle.  So here’s the message I want to send to my mom and dad – it was Philip’s fault!  Everything naughty that happened when we were kids, Philip either did or thought up.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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Get out while you have some dignity left

Please, Hillary. Get out with dignity. You can’t win this and as much as that must stick in your craw, there is nothing you can do about it now short of literally stealing an election through brute force. So bow out gracefully and keep enough goodwill to fight again another day.

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Another question that must be asked….

Is there anyone left in this world who has been online for more than three minutes who still answers those e-mails from people who want to send you money?  I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to answer them at this point?

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Dear lord save us from idiots

There was a small blurb in the paper recently about a store in Fairbanks pulling novelty cigarette lighters from their shelves after reports that children playing with them have accidentally set fires and, in three cases in the country, died as a result. And I have to ask myself who, sitting in their office high on the fumes from the copier ink, had the bright idea to manufacture lighters shaped as children’s toys. And then who was the even bigger brain who gave the green light to taking the idea from concept to reality? Because honestly, did no one in

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Why do I have to listen to endless droning about Hillary’s pantsuits and their colors and cut but nothing about Barack’s sartorial style?

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Columns 2008

Parenting by guilt and fear…not an altogether bad thing

I’m guessing that when I was in high school there were educational institutions where senior pranks occurred. After all, the tradition had to start somewhere. But I can tell you for sure where it stopped. It stopped at the front door of Holy Spirit High School. It was stopped there by the mere presence of the sisters and priests who ran the school. It was stopped there by the mere thought of parental reaction to anything that would damage the school. It was stopped there, ultimately, by sheer fear.

My parents had no problem using fear as a tool in

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Another senior moment

I went out and did some grocery shopping. Came back, unpacked the car, had lunch, spoke with a friend. Then decided it was time to go get the clothes from the dryer. But the clothes weren’t in the dryer. I must have emptied them already and forgotten. So I went back upstairs. Only later, when I went to grab my freshly washed shirt, it wasn’t on the hanger. So I went back downstairs and stood there stupidly staring into the laundry room wondering where it went. Then, on a silly impulse, I opened the washer. And there were all my

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One Wing

One Wing died this weekend. He was the heart and soul of Bird TLC, the wild bird rehab center here in Anchorage. He came here from the Exxon Valdez oil spill with a grim diagnosis. He defied the odds and lived with us for almost twenty years. He was the kind of bald eagle that had all the dignity we would want to associate with out national bird, and quite a bit of the goofyness that we cannot escape as part of our national character. In my head, he is now soaring again, both wings in place as they should

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