
Why do we do these things

Went down the hallway to the garage.  Pulled on the doorknob and it fell off in my hand. I stood there staring at it for a minute, then pushed it back it, twisted it a little, and then pulled it again. Surprise. It came out in my hand again. I did that at least four times before I was convinced that it wasn’t going to magically reattach. Why do we do these things when we already know the outcome? Oh wait. Oh god. Please don’t tell me I’m the only one who does….

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It will never get old

I’m sitting here working on my column when a large brown bulk passes my office window. It’s the neighborhood moose come to pee and poop on my lawn and then eat the neighbor’s tree. I stop writing and run to the front to watch the moose nibble and wander in the circle until she is finally out of sight.  I will never tire of this. It just makes the whole day a little brighter.

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I could not be more proud

Alaska finally makes history. Thanks to our lone congressman, Don Young, the US Senate has voted to ask the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into one of his myriad earmarks. This is the first time in US history that the Senate has voted to have a criminal investigation of a House member. Alaska and its congressman are now officially a footnote in US history. I could not be more proud.

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Columns 2008

Taking a spring walk

Two of my favorite times of the year in Anchorage are spring before the mosquitoes come and fall after they’re gone.  I can daydream to my heart’s content while walking, knowing nothing is sucking my blood while I’m not paying attention.

So there I was recently, dogs in tow, wandering the back woods of South Anchorage, mentally singing about April showers bringing May flowers. I’ll grant you that in Anchorage April showers might be snow instead of rain, and the flowers come closer to July than May, but you get the picture.  I wandered and daydreamed and listened to the

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Really, who in the hell was the first person to look at them and think that they might be edible once you got passed all the prickly parts? And what came first, melting butter or cooking artichokes? What would you use on them if you didn’t have melted butter? …Assuming that in the past, Ranch dressing was not a staple of most primitive societies.

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The snow continues to melt

And Anchorage continues to look like a city in which the flood waters are just receding. It was beautiful when it fell. But having two foot of snow melt in a very short time leaves nothing behind but soggy, miserable citizens who long for spring…only to remember with horror that all this water will just encourage the mosquitoes, making spring even more miserable than our April showers did.

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It finally happened

I slept through the night without putting a blog up for today. What? You thought I was awake when I did those blogs?  Do you not recognize the insanity of the dream state mind?

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Anchorage has started a tentative and limited recycling program. Yeah, I know. Concepts take a while to get to Alaska because they have to make it up the AlCan. So, being a duly guilt ridden baby booming save the planet type, I immediately signed up for the program and had a huge green can delivered to my home.  I thought the size of the can was funny because I am simply not the type of person who uses that much recyclable material. I mean, for god’s sake, I bring cloth bags to every store I go to in order to

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April showers

I woke up yesterday, looked out the window and it was raining. And I started singing about April showers bringing May flowers. I got in the shower. When I got out, I looked out the window again. It was snowing. Shoot me. Shoot me now!

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