
Shows without writers

I may be a bit sensitive to this writers’ strike because, as a writer, I know how hard it is to get fair compensation for what I do.  And if there is any doubt in anyone’s mind about why writers are so important, tune in to the Daily Show or the Colbert Report. Still pretty good but clearly missing the snap and razor sharp wit that professional writers bring to the table. 

The good news is that during the strike, I had more time to read than I’ve had since we went beyond three channels on the dial.

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Why Alaska drivers are the…….well, something.

It’s snowing to the point of a white out, especially when another car blasts by you and spews more fluffy white snow into the air. The streets are slick because it’s that almost wet snow that makes a perfectly icy surface. And Alaskan drivers pass you in exasperation because you insist on going slightly below the speed limit in the hope of making it home alive. Not only that, but they zip by you with coffee in one hand, a cell phone in the other and the only things controlling their car being their foot on the gas pedal and

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Here’s a sure fire business idea

You know how they have those packaging stores? Well, I think someone should open an unpackaging store where people can go with their new purchases and have someone else wrestle off the freakishly strong plastic wrap. It would earn a million dollars a month easily.  I’d do it but my hands are just starting to heal from the battle to get the plastic wrap off the new headset I just bought…which, after much blood loss, turns out to not have the right connection for my phone so I have to return it…along with the bloodied plastic wrap. Which I will

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Columns 2008

Let’s call them what they are…pseudo-families

After spending countless years working with abusive families and damaged children, I’ve decided that one of the ways to get a grip on the problem is to redefine the terms. Anyone who’s ever been called fat or ugly knows that words are very powerful. So we need to use the right ones in defining the people involved in the court system because of domestic violence and/or neglect and abuse of children.

Right now, the system is geared towards reuniting families. This goal is predicated on the assumption that the family is the best unit society has for rearing the next

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Now I know why it’s called a dog’s life

I lie in bed at night with both dogs curled up tightly at my side. I reach over Blue to scratch Blondie’s belly. My arm’s movement over Blue’s side as I scratch Blondie also stroke her. Both lie there, eyes somewhat glazed, totally at peace. The picture of utter contentment. They’d had dinner, a walk, a special treat of a pig’s ear just because they’re so cute, and now they are curled up warm and comfy getting their bellies scratched. What’s not to like? They have all they could possibly imagine in life and, best of all, are pretty sure

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Thank god

The secret is out of the bag. Emily’s family and Greg’s family know about the pregnancy and I no longer have to avoid the phone for fear it will be Em’s mom Janis. I was sure I would accidentally spill the beans by slipping and screaming, “You’re going to be a grandmom again!  oops.”

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My new year’s resolution

I resolve to never again get into a serious argument over whether or not Dick Cheney is Darth Vadar come to life and that when he disappears from the public eye for months at a time, he’s actually out screwing up another galaxy.

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With hardly a mention

Am I the only one who noticed that December 21 has come and gone. The shortest day of the year is history. It will only keep getting lighter. For those of us with night vision problems, may I officially say, “ Yea!”

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