
Bird Watching

I just realized that I spent over half an hour the other day watching a couple of Stellar Jays trying to figure out which two peanuts from my deck would most perfectly fit in their mouths so that they got two for the price of one trip.  And I was totally happy and content to just watch.  Either my mind has totally retreated into senility or George Bush has so made reality painful that the only thing that will allow me some peace are two birds and some peanuts.  You choose.

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Columns 2007

Sarah’s still riding high with public approval

Alaska has been blessed with a lot of one-name women who have made, and are making, this great state even greater.  Lisa.  Arliss. Ramona.  Sarah.  Ah, Sarah.  Our governor, almost one year into her term, is sitting on the kind of approval ratings you usually only see in a place like Cuba or North Korea after the government conducts a poll on whether you approve of the job the head of state is doing. What’s equally amazing is she continues to garner very small negative numbers.

Sarah is someone who has every right to be extending a certain digit on

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I think it’s significant

I think there must be some significance to the fact that the state is depositing my PFD check into my account today, the 35th anniversary of the day I arrived in Barrow.  I don’t know what that significance is, but I’m tempted to say $1600 isn’t quite enough.  Maybe what the state should do is give each resident $100 for every year they’ve lived in the state….$200 for every year lived here in the Bush. Then we’d be talking money!

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No really, who uses this stuff

Have you seen the latest late night ads?  Little toothbrush like gadgets for cleaning grout.  Seriously….someone has that much time on their hands? I say just move if your grout is that bad.

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I’ve now reached the conclusion that if we really want to punish the Shia and Sunni for their infighting, we should just bag up all our lawyers and drop them into Iraq. By the time the lawsuits are finished, no one will be left alive who even remembers what the fights were about to begin with. It’s the Jarndyce vs Jarndyce form of justice. That’ll teach them!

But then, maybe I’m just having a bad court day.

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Yet another question that must be asked

Whoever thought it was a good idea to put those pages in magazines that are stiffer than normal or a different size or in some way created so as to be THE BIGGEST PAIN IN THE ASS EVER TO ANYONE TRYING TO READ THE DAMN THING!!!!???????? And just in case there is any doubt in any advertiser’s mind…I rip those pages out of my magazines before they make it to my living room. If I look at them at all, it’s just to ensure I know which products NOT to buy. Oh yeah, and why are you sending me all

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My favorite fantasy

Oh get your minds out of the gutter…not that kind of fantasy.  Though this one probably excites me even more. It’s the one in which I’m actually in control in my home and my animals acknowledge me as something more than the arm of the food dish.  Not that they don’t love me…..but if they’re not careful, I know two dogs who will be forced to wear costumes this Halloween.

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Columns 2007

Who really is the communist?

I think of it as the Hillary dilemma.  Of all the people of either party running for president right now, she is probably the most qualified and the one with the most common sense and chutzpah needed to extricate us from the misery our current administration seems to revel in.  She’s intelligent, experienced and, if she was a man, would probably be sailing towards the Democratic nomination while people asked, “Obama who?”

But this is Hillary Clinton and she comes with lots and lots of baggage.  The question is, of course, whether this baggage will make the slightest bit of

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How I pack for the lower 48

I stand and stare into my closet. I realize I have nothing that can actually be worn in civilization without drawing comments from those who do not know the definition of Alaska chic.  I have no idea what the weather will be like. So I reach out and grab everything there and stuff it into a suitcase in the vain hope that once I reach the East Coast, some piece of what I’ve brought with me will actually be acceptable.  It never is. But hope springs eternal.

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