
Venetian blinds

Why do most Venetian blinds have two strings to raise and lower the slats, one for each side?  Have you ever met anyone who just wanted to raise one side?

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There is nothing more beautiful

There is simply nothing more beautfiul than a late September day in Anchorage with the sun shining, the air crisp with the promise of winter and the leaves blowing around like the snow soon will.  If it doesn’t make your heart light to just have the privilege of being out in it, your heart is dead.

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Could he really be that dumb?

So your president (but certainly not mine) is going to veto expanding a health care program that would allow it to cover more children because he thinks it will lead to socialized medicine. He says he believes that the best people to make decisions about medical care are the person involved and their doctor and the government should stay out of it.  IDIOT! If I don’t have health insurance, I sure as hell don’t have a doctor.  That’s the problem.

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Just some more sick things in my life

Let’s see if I’ve got this right. My one dog is diabetic and on insulin. My other dog just tore her knee cap and is looking at either surgery or drugs for the long term.  I have more health problems than I care to enumerate, if only because it’s too depressing to list them all. And now I find out that more than a few of the trees in my yard have a variety of illnesses of their own that will need to be dealt with so they don’t eventually fall on my house.  If I am calculating correctly, at

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Where’s the instruction booklet?

It is now glaringly clear to me that I would have made the worse mother of all times. Blondie wasn’t supposed to walk since she hurt her knee until the vet cleared her. Blue didn’t understand why we weren’t going out. So I’d try to distract Blondie and then grab Blue and run out the front door. It didn’t even work one time. I finally took to letting Blondie go out to her doghouse with a pig’s ear. This would normally occupy her for hours as she tried to figure out how to hide it so that Blue didn’t find

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Columns 2007

Weekends are a needed break

The most interesting reaction I had to the column I wrote last week about the zoo and Maggie came from a lady who wrote to me that when she first started reading it, she thought it was going to be about politics and politicians again.  She expressed great relief to find that when she got into it, it was actually about an elephant.

I guess that’s where we are at this point. Anything that will turn our minds from the headlines detailing just how sleazy our politicians are is a welcomed relief. Heck, I’m even glad to see OJ back

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How do dogs know?

Just as I was thinking I might have enough money to paint the inside of my house when I got my PFD check, Blondie decides to blow out the ligament on her knee thereby requiring surgery that is just slightly more than the check itself.  Maybe I should just give up and tell everyone I painted the inside of my house dingy gray deliberately.

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OJ redux

I can’t believe I am actually finding the news about OJ a welcomed relief to the relentless headlines about our local and national politicians.  It may be time to tranquilize me.

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I long for snow

…if only because that means this incessant rain will end.  When I had only one dog, I could walk and carry an umbrella. Now with two dogs and two leashes, my only choices are to get wet or learn how to hold an umbrella in my mouth for three miles. And don’t suggest I use the leash that has two chains at the end but only one handle. My dogs each go their own way and want their own leash.  And it’s not that they’re spoiled as much as it’s just easier to give in sometimes.

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