
Not a flattering look

The humidity of the East Coast has left me with a hairdo that most closely resembles the largest Afro ever seen since sometime in the 1970s. It is not a flattering look for an old Italian woman.

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Columns 2007

New Beginnings

I think it is probably appropriate on many levels that my column should first appear as part of the Daily News on the Fourth of July.  After all, this holiday celebrates the new beginnings of our country and my appearance here celebrates my new beginnings with this paper.

Ok, I’ll grant you that’s somewhat of a stretch.  But stay with me here. I’m writing this while on the East Coast, the temperature is higher than a moose’s shoulder and the humidity is something most Alaskans can only dream about.  There is every chance I’m delirious and don’t know it.


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Happy July 4

Love the country. Hate the president.  In America you’re allowed to do that with no fear of consequences.  Or, at least you were before Bush and Cheney took control.  If you don’t hear from me again, check Guantanamo Bay.

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Tomorrow my first column for the Anchorage Daily News will appear in the paper.  It will appear on this site the next day so as not to scoop myself. If you can’t wait till July 5 to read it, check out ADN.com tomorrow and you’ll find me on the editorial page.

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I thought taking the train from Atlantic City to Charleston would be an adventure. It certainly was.  I finally found a mode of travel that makes airline travel seem civilized and timely.  Maybe Amtrak should go to Europe and figure out how to run the trains. Then perhaps people would be a lot more willing to use them. As for me, I don’t think I’ll be doing that again in the near future.

Look for more about this later…after I’ve stopped shaking at the absurdity of it all.

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I miss them

I can’t believe how much I miss Blue and Blondie and all the birds.  I hope the dogs haven’t forgotten me.  Geez, that sounds geeky beyond belief even for me to be writing. But I think of them every night before I go to sleep and hope that as nice as their foster parents are, when I get home, they’ll still prefer me. The birds have been through this drill before and know I’ll be back. But this is the first for Blue and Blondie and I’m so afraid they’ll think I’ve left them forever.

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Food for thought

While visiting my godchild and her new son I was struck by the thought that he has every chance of living to see the year 2100.  How weird is that?  Do you think by then they’ll have flying cars and computerized houses?  Will the obesity epidemic mean that anyone smaller than a size 18 is considered underweight?  Or will the world have collapsed in on itself, a victim of too many cell phones wielded by too many people in fast moving cars.

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There is lush and then…

You know a place has too much humidity when you return from it to Atlantic City in the summer and think Atlantic City is bearable. Every time I think of Charleston I think two things. It was very pretty. And breathing its air was like breathing warm water.  I think I’ve reached that tipping point in longing for Alaska.

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I know bicycle racing is a big sport but…

…next to golf, it is the most boring thing in the world to watch on tv. Wait, I stand corrected. A Republican presidential candidates debate beats it for boring. But then one of those debates beats boiling water for boring. And I can only hope I’m not the only person completely embarrassed by the fact that not one of them believes in evolution. On the other hand, I look at those candidates and can understand why they wouldn’t. Evolution certainly hasn’t helped their gene pool.

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