Columns 2006

You lost. Get over it.

Just when I thought I could put the recently completed political season behind me with a minimum of annoyance, the two major political parties decided to go that one step too far.  And now I’m not feeling quite so charitable towards them.

Let’s start with the Republicans.  You lost.  No matter how much spin you try to put on it, you lost.  And I, quite frankly, am getting a major headache listening to talking heads trying to twist this around into a scenario in which it looks like you lost but not really.

From what I can glean from the

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In case you were wondering

In case you were wondering if Christmas was on time this year, I think the glut of commercials for children’s toys that have suddenly sprung up may be a good indication it can’t be that far away. 

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Traveling East

I arrive in Atlantic City today, home of my misspent youth.  It’s too bad that now that Atlantic City has so many more ways to misspend my youth, I have no youth left to misspend.

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Please buy a ticket


Bird TLC is holding an auction to benefit the birds. The auction will be held in Anchorage on February 3 at the ConocoPhillips Atrium from 6 to about 9 PM.  The price of a ticket includes the food, a no host bar and music and entertainment by the great Mr. Whitekeys of the late, sorely missed and immensely lamented, Fly By Night Club. There will also be a variety of education birds available with their presenters.  What more can you ask for in an evening’s entertainment.

We have tables available for eight at a variety of prices. The Eagle Tables

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Onboard GPS

My sister and I once took my mother with us on a road trip. As we wandered around outside some city in Utah trying to find our hotel, my mother got nervous because we were lost.  My sister’s response was, “How lost can we be? We’re in America.” Half the fun of road trips can be the odd, out of the way places you find when you get lost. But now cars come with GPS onboard and all you have to do is ask the computer to tell you where to go. You’ll never be lost again. Though in not

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You just have to be mechanically minded

I bought a doghouse for Blondie who likes to spend her days outside making sure no squirrel or bird tries to take over her yard.  I called on my young friend Paul to assist with it.  He took the doghouse out of its box and laid its pieces on the floor. I lifted the box upright and started reading the instructions on the back.  I turned to tell Paul what step one should be.  He already had three of the four levels attached.  It’s got to just be something in your genes. On the one hand, I was confused by

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The proof is in the crumbs

Blue wandered into the bathroom as I read the morning paper and I noticed something all over her head. It was bird food, a mixture of seeds. birdy cornbread and so many other things. And I realized that she has taken Mr. T’s place at the trough known as the bottom of Abdul’s cage.  She grazes there each day while Abdul showers her with crumbs.  My little circle is truly becoming complete again.

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Columns 2006

Another political season ends

Because of deadlines, this column is being written well before votes are cast in the November 7 election.  Therefore, this is strictly a subjective analysis of the recent campaign season and not based on any hopes I may have for a high paying, low energy job with anyone who may have actually won. Though, lord knows, I am always open to anyone who wants to make an offer.

Actually, this overview is pretty much based on late night conversations I have with my birds and dogs who are as astute at political commentary as just about any talking head in

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Go vote!

Go vote today or shut up and don’t complain about anything in public life ever again. If you don’t vote, you lose all right to complain, comment or otherwise have attitude about any elected official or policy they may devise.  And I’m a menopausal woman with attitude so you sure don’t want to question why I get to make that rule.

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