
Shopping tip

If something is for sale for 70% off, that means it was either way too overpriced to begin with or you are buying something that will cause your sister to roll her eyes in a movement very reminiscent of how your mother looked when you shopped with her.

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First the FBI, now this

First the FBI is brought in to tell the world what every Alaskan already knew about the cozy relationship between government and the oil business in this state. Now George Bush feels compelled to tell us there are secret prisons around the world run by our CIA.  May I just say one more time this week, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Columns 2006

I am not torturing my dog

My miniature schnauzer, Mr. T, has reached the ripe old age of 16 1/2 years old with no more or less in the way of problems that most of us would have at the equivalent human age.  Granted I spend more for his medicine in a month that for mine. And yes, neither one of us moves as fast as we once did.  But all things considered, he’s not doing badly at all.

When we take our daily walk, he moves slowly. Usually he is behind me at the end of the leash taking his time about the whole thing. 

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Condoleeza? Really?

Condoleeza on the list of people or things that are most annoying this year? And not Laura who actually sleeps with George?  Are we sure we have our priorities straight?

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Happy Labor Day

It seems to me that if this is a day to celebrate an honest day’s wages for an honest day’s labor, then politicians should not be allowed to take this day off.

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For those of you who knew Debbie Strode and wondered, wonder no more. SHE’S ALIVE!  Due to federal law, I am prohibited from saying anything else.

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For this they needed the FBI?

FBI agents raided legislative offices across the state yesterday collecting evidence they apparently feel may show an unholy closeness between some Alaska legislators and Veco, our very own pipeline support company.  And all I can say is, for this they needed the FBI?  Seriouly, stop anyone on the street and ask them. It’s cheaper.

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