
Best Friends again

I’ve been sitting here e-mailing with my friend Sherie about our trip to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and I realized that even though I have traveled to every continent in this world except for Antarctica, and visited every exotic place I could reach by land, sea, air or legs, Best Friends is still one of the greatest highlights of my life.  Anyone who loves animals, or believes in the idea of gentleness and kindness as an antidote to hate and violence, should treat themselves to at least one trip to this place. It will heal your soul in ways you

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The rain! The rain!  Oh the horror of the rain!

It is now official. My dog has announced he will never go outside again because of the rain. He is totally unamused by it and finds the carpet of the guest bedroom (yes, Judy, YOUR bedroom when you visit) much warmer and drier for meeting nature’s call.  I can’t say I blame him.

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Bye Bye Birdie

So Bird TLC is having a Bye Bye Birdie event on September 23 to say farewell to our migratory birds as they head out for warmer winter climes. My question is why the hell they are still here considering the crappy summer we’ve had. They should have gone someplace with a warmer summer. Now that would have been smart.

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Oh no, Mr. Whitekeys!

Well, there goes my social life. Mr. Whitekeys is shutting down the Fly By Night Club and now Kate and I will have to find another sleazy bar to hang out in every four months or so while she takes a break from family and I take a break from the birds.  Tell me it isn’t so!

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Mr. T rises once again from the ashes

Every time I think that my dog is finally so old he’s going to bite the dust, he comes roaring back.  The weather turned colder this week here and he perked up like someone on speed.  I guess he will always be an Arctic dog who loves the cold and hates the heat. When the sun is out, he walks slowly and reluctantly and I think his time has come. Then it gets cold, starts to rain and the wind blows and he walks like a six year old, not a sixteen and a half year old.  Go figure!

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Columns 2006

Plane travel in the future…not a pretty picture

It is the year 2010. The war on terrorism continues unabated.  And airline travel has kept up with the need for tighter security with each passing year.  I am preparing to depart from Anchorage for a flight to the East Coast.

I drive my car to the parking lot in Wasilla, the nearest point private vehicles are allowed to Ted Stevens International.  Oops, I mean Ted Stevens National.  All international air travel must go through either Los Angeles or JFK in New York. Traveling to Europe or Asia now involves checking in two days in advance to get through all

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As someone said to me yesterday

The world is divided into people who belong to Monty Python and the Holy Grail and people who will never understand the laughter engendered by the words, “It’s just a flesh wound”. I think god I belong to Monty’s world.  It makes so much more sense than the one I live it. Run away.  Run away!

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OK, Ok, I’ll admit it

A Prairie Home Companion IS, in fact, in my annoyance hall of fame.  But I refuse to believe I’m the only one who wants to scream when I hear that show.

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Another contender enters the race

Kevin Spacey…is there a more annoying actor on the stage today?  I think not.  If you have any doubt, see his Bobby Darin movie.  Yes, I realize actors are becoming quite over represented in my annoyance hall of fame but is it my fault that we have made celebrities our of some of the most annoying people on earth?

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Elections in general

We need to differentiate between elections which are necessary for a democracy to flourish and political campaigns which deserve an entire realm in hell just for them and the people who start them four years before the election in question.

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