
When will the insanity stop

The article in the paper today says the government is not doing enough to stop our gowing obesity.  And all I can think is…when the hell did the government become responsible for how much I weigh!????

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Columns 2006

Fly By Night…goodnight

And so another piece of Alaskana bites the dust.  No longer will Alaskans be able to head to Spenard for some fried Spam and sleazy humor interspersed with juvenile political jokes that often were the only comic relief available during our seemingly interminable political seasons. We are left we nothing but the Daily Show and they don’t do song and dance half as well as Mr. Whitekeys and company. Besides, they never mention Alaska unless it involves Ted Stevens and, no offense to Uncle Ted, but he is hardly our funniest or most outrageous politician.  In Alaska, you have to

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Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and most of Conan O’Brian made the Emmys bearable.  Other than that, YAWNNNNNNNNNNNNN

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Nomination received but…

Yes the man married to Britney Spears is as annoying as holy hell. But no more annoying than his wife. And after all, shouldn’t we pretty much feel sorry for them both for being so inane? 

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I give up

I give up. Each summer for the past few years I’ve saved money by turning my heat off sometime in early June and not putting it back on till early September. But this year it has been a battle of putting the heat on, feeling terrible that I’m such a wimp I’m putting the heat on in the summer, turning the heat off, getting cold, turning the heat on again…well, you get the picture. So now I give up. I concede.  Anchorage is not planning to have a summer this year and I’m a wimp who needs the heat on

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Happy Birthday, Judy

Today is my sister’s birthday. She is officially older than dirt. Congratulations, Judy.  Just remember not to get too drunk tonight at Nightmare in Strathmere.  At your age, you can’t handle it as well as when you were young.

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Nominations now being accepted

OK, I’ll give you all your chance. Nominations are now officially open for people, places and things that annoy you the most.  Remember that Tom Cruise has been retired into the Hall of Fame so he’s not eligible. Nor are political elections in general, though I will give some consideration to specific ones that warrant extra special attention.  And please leave Donald Trump’s hair. Scientology and ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING that at ANY TIME may include the words Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.  We do need to establish some standards.

This year’s winners, and new inductees into the Hall

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Who would have thought this would happen in my lifetime

After the results of yesterday’s primaries came in last night, I realized that for the first time in forever I will go to the voting booth in the fall and know that no matter which candidate for governor wins, I’l be happy because we’ll have a good governor.  I thought for sure I would die before that would come to pass.

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Columns 2006

The booze made me do it

Ah yes. It’s my favorite excuse in the whole world, right up there with “the dog ate my homework”.  It is, of course, “Alcohol made me do it.” Isn’t there any personal responsibility left in this world? If we do something wrong, must we always find a scapegoat on which to fix the blame?

And so Mel Gibson comes out with the trite old saw that he isn’t anti-Semitic.  It was the alcohol talking.  Yet the words came out of his mouth.  Do you think there might be a reason alcohol chose Mel’s mouth for those remarks as opposed to

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Go vote

Today is primiary day and we actually have choices in this election with some credible people running. So go vote and make sure the assholes don’t win again.

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