
I couldn’t get to my camera quickly enough

Heading upstairs last night to go to bed. Dogs following behind and in front of me except for Carm. Figured he was just slower because he’s old and on lots of pain meds and a little senile. But he has not lost that instinct that says, “This is my toy and I will protect it with all 11 pounds of my being.” So he gets to the first step and, because the stuffed animal is bigger than he is, he trips. He drops the Christmas bear. He stares at it for about a minute as though debating in his head Continue reading →


Arming teachers

So let me get this straight. An armed terrorist… usually a mentally ill white male… enters a school with a rifle he’s fixed to shoot about a million rounds a minute. In a classroom is a teacher with a handgun. Somehow, that teacher is supposed to get his or her kids to safety and then start shooting his HAND GUN! against a steady rain of bullets from a jacked up rifle that is spraying bullets in every direction. What could possibly go wrong? Continue reading →


Here’s an idea

Given the suggestions from GOPers on how to improve safety at our schools with more armed police, perimeter safety measures and gun toting teachers, I have a better suggestion that achieves the same results. Let’s free every prisoner who is serving time for having or smoking a joint. Then, we take all that extra prison space and make high schools out of it. This way, we already have a safe perimeter and armed guards. I mean, that’s better than asking someone with a mental illness to give up their AK-47, right? Continue reading →


The GOPers just don’t get it, do they?

The GOP is pissing off an entire generation of voters who are sick and tired of being slaughtered in their classrooms. But the GOP is so solidly sold to the NRA that they still have to pretend that unlimited access to weapons of mass destruction are not a problem in America and not the cause of mass shootings. Well, the generation that has seemed to suffer the most from it are sick and tired of the carnage. But still the GOPers trot out their tired old lines. I mean, seriously, does anyone do anything but laugh when they piously intone Continue reading →


Really, GOPers?

You are trying to accuse kids who recently saw their classmates shot to death that they have been somehow co-opted by the left. Seriously? You don’t think it might have something to do with hiding in a classroom while watching your teacher get shot to death trying to protect you? You don’t think it might have something to do with the 17 funerals they are attending for their classmates and teachers? You don’t think they might be just a bit pissed that the best you can come up with to protect them is to suggest that concealed carry be allowed Continue reading →


In case you’ve been trying

The comment section is back up and running on the blog. Apologies if you’ve tried to post a comment and were unable to. It’s those damn Russian trolls. They are trying to silence me but they will not succeed. My mother couldn’t do it. The nuns in school couldn’t do it. My ex-husband couldn’t do it. The Russians sure in hell don’t stand a chance. Continue reading →


Here’s what I can’t imagine

I went to Catholic school from pre-kindergarten through college. I was taught by nuns. When I went to school, I felt as safe as if I were home because I knew those nuns would not let anything happen to me.

I can’t imagine one of them being shot in front of me and then attending the funeral. How do you do that? How does the teenage  mind process that?  I don’t know if I’d ever have gone back into that school again. Yet almost every month we have another shooting at a school and expect our kids to pick up Continue reading →



If you are looking for a rant about gun ownership and how it needs to be sensibly regulated, you’re preaching to the choir. But that’s not the real issue. The real issue is how gun regulation can’t get a toehold in Congress despite the overwhelming support of Americans of every political party. I guess most Americans have come to the realization that mass murderers don’t ask for your political affiliation before they shoot you. Being a 2nd Amendment conservative Republican won’t protect you from a bullet.

So if Congress represents us, the people, then how come their position on gun Continue reading →


Poor Melania

Not only did she apparently have to at least once have slept with that jiggling tub of lard she is married to, but when she tries to actually say or do something nice, he just gets thrown in her face anyhow. So today when she tweeted about it being ‘do a nice thing” day or some such shit, she gets slammed for not making her husband nice first.

I’ll bet she thought she won when she bagged him. Now she realizes it makes her one of the biggest losers in the history of mankind.

Maybe we need to start a Continue reading →


It’s a brave new world in which women and people of color are determined to participate

The current occupant of the White House has some fairly fanatical supporters who wish we could just go back to the good old days of the 1950s when America’s economy was thriving, women were secretaries and men ruled. Well, let me clarify that. White men ruled. It seems that now that their hegemony over the rest of the world is being challenged, they are getting more than a little nervous. I totally understand their concerns.

I grew up in that world of the fifties. There was an order to be followed and everyone followed it. Maybe not all were following Continue reading →