
Back in the day

Back in the day, when I was young and somewhat up on the latest electronic trends, my mother asked me to help her sisters, my aunts, learn how to work the new fangled VCRs which had just arrived on the market. In case you don’t remember this, the instructions that came with them could be rather confusing. So my aunts all got VCRs that just sat there, as did my mother’s. But one day while on a visit to the family home, my mother asked me to help her with it. I took the instructions and rewrote them in very Continue reading →


Just Lisa

Remember that time when almost all of us actually learned to spell Murkowski?  Ah, good times. Well, they are returning. Only this time with a rival candidate who hasn’t lived in Alaska all that long and who had to have the government pay to move her here or she might not have come. So I think we can all admit that we have some issues to raise with Lisa’s new opponent for the Republican nomination to the US Senate.

Oh yeah, remember when we all learned to spell Lisa? Good times.

If I am understanding this situation correctly, the Republican Continue reading →


Pandemic ending

While this pandemic is hardly over, for many of us it is at least finally starting to end. This means that those of us (me) who are totally vaccinated can now go back out and enjoy some level of what once counted as normal life.

I actually went to a restaurant where a waiter filled my water glass and asked if there was anything else he could get me. After an extremely long year, I was finally being waited on again. And the food that came to the table was fresh and hot – not warm and in a bag, Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Mask reveal

Once the worse of the pandemic passed, some friends and I started to gather weekly to laugh, eat and amuse each other. It was just like before the pandemic but not quite because it was happening in a big empty room in my house that allowed for safe distancing. Also, everyone brought snacks individually wrapped so we could eat and visit – our two favorite things in the whole world.

Because we are all of a certain age, we received our covid vaccinations around the same time and so hit the two weeks past the second shot stage all at Continue reading →


The first time

The first time my sister and I went to China was 1983 or so. China was still in the depths of the Mao philosophy. Everyone rode bikes and wore dull, grey or dark green Mao pajama outfits.

Of all the things that I remember from that trip, one of the things that has always stayed with me was our official Chinese guide’s description of employment in China. He said there was no such thing as unemployment there. There was only “job waiting”.

Some years later when we went to Tibet, we were made to take an official Chinese guide with Continue reading →


My days are such

My days of lounging are such that even one appointment can throw my whole schedule off. I mean, is it morning? Afternoon? Evening? How am I supposed to know which shows I should be watching if I don’t know what time of the day it is? Can I have more Snapple tea with caffeine or is it time to switch to Crystal Light? Again, how can I possibly know when an appointment in the middle of my lounging throws everything into chaos.

If it weren’t for my dogs who know exactly when dinner should be served, my whole day would Continue reading →


Why nice guys finish last

I met Forrest Dunbar when he was a very young man just getting into Alaskan politics. I can’t tell you what he said to me or what his stance was on any variety of issues but I can tell you this: He seemed like a nice, decent young man.

We don’t have a lot of nice and decent people in politics. I give you Ted Cruz as the poster boy for this.  Nice guys seem to get destroyed by the bullies in adult life as well as in school. And Americans seem to eat it up. If you doubt this, Continue reading →


Not my mom’s world

Here’s the world I grew up in – Italian men ruled, the president was in charge of America and the pope was in charge of the world. That was it. That was the hierarchy.

Of course, within it there were subcategories. What Monsignor Vincent said was the word of god, even if he was just praising the grade school Christmas play. What the Salesian nuns said was even more the word of god because – well, you know, Jesus listened to Mary so we had to listen to our mothers which somehow put women above men except it didn’t.

I Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

I saw D.C. I cried

I have tried to give myself some distance from what happened in our nation’s capital. But I can’t. I long for some way to view it dispassionately, to calmly pull apart the various pieces and examine how we got to the point where armed insurrectionists invaded Washington, DC. But I can’t get past that moment when I first saw the invasion of our capital. All I could do was cry.

I am by all accounts an old lady. My generation was raised by the generation that survived the Great Depression and won the Second World War. They viewed America as Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Are you happy now?

All you Trumpers, out there. All you people who followed him into this horror because he made your stocks and money soar. Are you happy? Today, in Washington DC, you saw the results of your belief in the Trump cult.

You should all be so ashamed of yourselves that words can’t even express how ashamed. I know that there is no site on this web that will allow me to call you the range of names I want to because they are too vile. But not for describing you. And not for this day.

Here’s how the future goes for Continue reading →