
Let them die

Reading about what mostly unvaccinated people are doing to our health care system is one thing. Needing that system and being frightened to use it is another. This is America. We shouldn’t be afraid to go to the hospital.

I recently had an incident where, under normal circumstances, I would have called 911. I didn’t for fear they would want to transport me to the hospital and that scared me more than the incident itself. I may have heart problems, but hospitals in Alaska right now are filled with Covid and I don’t want to be anywhere near that.

So Continue reading →


Getting better

Healthy people who exercise and watch their diet religiously still die from a heart attack. Someone with my exercise and diet program should have kicked off when I was about 30. But here I am and there is no logical explanation except perhaps that I’ve never taken horse deworming medicine for any health problem.

Having survived both a heart attack and the subsequent surgery, my greatest desire was to get back to my regular life as soon as possible – with the probable addition of some actual exercise and diet restrictions. But it turns out that getting back to the Continue reading →


To live and to die

I came to on my bedroom floor, scratching at it and wondering why it wasn’t my bed. I tried to move and was hit with an intense pain I’d never felt before. I apparently had a heart attack and broken four ribs in the fall. I then did what any sane person would do. I dragged myself to my phone and called Bird TLC to tell them I wouldn’t be in for my volunteer shift. Thankfully, they called 911.

I am now post heart attack, post four broken ribs, post open-heart surgery and wondering when the heck I got so Continue reading →


Ah, honey buckets

Honey buckets… just those words alone can send me into a paroxysm of odors; full buckets in the morning after a party, icy cold seats with the contents actually frozen yet somehow still smelly. And Pine sol – poor Pine sol – what did you ever do to deserve the reputation you hold in the minds and hearts of anyone who ever lived with a honey bucket. It’s not something you can ever clean with again.

All these memories came rushing back when I read that the Leona M. and Henry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust gave $20 million to Engineering Continue reading →


Women keep achieving

I am an unabashed child of the sixties. I marched. I chanted. I tried to levitate the Pentagon and shake all the bad out of it while on a particularly fun acid excursion. Women had dreams for their future that had nothing to do with the way things were done. How big were those dreams, you ask? Well, we actually fought for women to not only have ownership and control of their body but to be able to get a credit card without their father or husband’s approval. Women wanted their place in the world and would no longer have Continue reading →


Duct tape fixes

I recently caused a friend to almost spit food out her nose while laughing after I told her how I fixed my cabinet knobs. For context, I arrived here 50 years ago and was part of the Alaska that couldn’t always get what it needed to fix stuff. So, ingenuity was a prized quality to have when you needed to get your skidoo going again while you were on the tundra in 40 below weather with just duct tape and hope.

(By the way, as an Alaskan who likes to avoid unnecessary conflict, I will be spelling it as “duct” Continue reading →


Maybe I’m the only one

When I saw Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris sitting together behind Biden at the State of the Union address, it brought tears to my eyes. I grew up in a world where women couldn’t open a bank account without a man’s approval. And now one man was standing there with his back protected by two of the baddest ass women in this world.

It’s a day I never thought would happen. And if it did happen, I assumed I’d be long dead. But with two women in charge, I finally have some hope that we really can right this ship Continue reading →


Back in the day

Back in the day, when I was young and somewhat up on the latest electronic trends, my mother asked me to help her sisters, my aunts, learn how to work the new fangled VCRs which had just arrived on the market. In case you don’t remember this, the instructions that came with them could be rather confusing. So my aunts all got VCRs that just sat there, as did my mother’s. But one day while on a visit to the family home, my mother asked me to help her with it. I took the instructions and rewrote them in very Continue reading →