So as I always do when I get the upstairs birds out for their showers on Friday, Bubba and Carm have the option of going into the yard, if the weather is nice, or staying in the office while the birds are out. They chose to be outside. When I finished the birds, Carm was at the back upstairs door waiting to be let in. Bubba wasn’t. I figured she was downstairs in the sun and I’d go let her in when I got down there to do the other birds. I came downstairs with a full trash bag so went to put that in the dumpster before letting Bubba in. And when I opened the side garage door to put the trash in the dumpster, who should I find patiently standing by my front door with her nose up to it but Bubba.
Apparently the melting ground caused the fence between the two yards to heave up and she went right under it. Also, apparently once she got out she neither had the energy to actually go somewhere or the smarts to get back in the way she got out.
That fence is now completely lined with rocks.