My amazingly wonderful godchild Emily, with technical assistance from an equally wonderful young man named Broneil, helped me buy an iPad. And lo and behold what did I find but that it takes pictures. Not only does it take pictures, but its screen is actually big enough for me to see what I’m taking a picture of. I have learned the hard way to not touch the little camera icon that apparently turns the camera’s eye towards the taker. At my age, that’s just scary. No one should see themselves that up close and personal after hitting sixty unless they have a significant amount of alcohol or pot in them.
So here’s the first picture I took. It is of the majesties on their couch throne being rudely awakened from their tenth nap of the day by a crazy woman manipulating some black object in their faces while insisting they wake up and smile. I think the gift Bubba left me on the puppy pad this morning might be a direct result of this picture.