
It does not feel the same

The Fourth of July celebration has always been one fairly free of political flavor. After all, it’s America’s birthday and that holiday doesn’t belong to any particular party or group of people.  We celebrate all that America stands for and has always tried to stand for… freedom, tolerance, opportunity… all those things that used to make us so damn proud and special.

Now, it seems as though Orange Goo has destroyed all that was ever good about America and made it harder and harder to be so proud of our heritage. Tolerance… that started to go away the day he Continue reading →


I would not be afraid

So Orange Goo thinks that if we eliminate ICE, Americans would be afraid to walk out of their homes. Hmmm….

In actual fact, I am more afraid to exit my home and find a Goo supporter nearby than I am by just about any immigrant I’ve ever met. That’s because Goo supporters tend to have stopped using their brains, compassion or humanity a long time ago. They have substituted hate, fear mongering and ugliness for everything good that we ever aspired to in America.

So yeah. You can undo ICE and I’ll probably never notice the difference. And for those Continue reading →