Let me make it perfectly clear to whatever deity that might be listening… I did NOT move to Alaska to get a tan, hang out on the beach in a bathing suit or sit on my porch and grab some rays while mosquitoes ate me alive. So let’s cut the crap and turn the temperature down outside. And do it fast. My normally jovial personality is quickly deserting me.
The demons of hell are upon us… and I’m not referring to Joe Miller and his minions!
Killed the first mosquito of the season in my office the other day. The gates of hell have clearly opened and we are now merely blood vessels from which the hellish shall drink.
And yeah, I smacked the crap out of that mosquito and took great pleasure in so doing.
Yes my butt is frozen

But I’m also not sure if my balls are completely free so I’ll probably just sit here until spring.
My cousin is here. Let the summer visitor season commence!
Like the first robin of spring in the lower 48, the first relative to arrive in Anchorage proclaims the end of the winter and the beginning of our own personal tourist season. I’m grateful to the family that have come to visit. Were it not for them, i would not have had the incentive to see half as much of the state as I have. (That’s known as looking on the bright side of things!)
And it’s not ever summer yet
The temps are already higher than I like them to be at the height of the summer. Is the goddess just messing with my head or has climate change finally arrived in full array to show us why we should not screw with Mother Nature?
Alaska’s indigenous languages
I grew up in an Italian family in an Italian neighborhood being taught by mostly Italian nuns. The mere sound of the language still sends me back to those years in an instant. The cadence of English spoken with an Italian accent is all I need to have my nonna’s face pop up in my brain, her grey hair in a bun, clad in perpetual mourning black with always, always an apron to protect her only weekday dress.
The sound of a language’s rhythm and flow is one of our earliest memories. Long before we focus on a face or
I don’t want to scare anyone but…
I accidentally watched a tv show that wasn’t dvr’d and somewhere around the fourth political ad in a five minute commercial break my ears started to bleed. I’m no longer sure I can survive until the August primaries, let alone the fall general election.
Please god, make it stop.
Most research shows that people with eating disorders have emotional attachments to food. Hmmm… I must only know people with eating disorders. Now back slowly away from that chocolate covered strawberry and no one will have to get hurt.
What’s not to smile about?

A best friend. A sunny day. A large field in which to run. How can you not be smiling?