I’m not stopping until I hit Coronado!
We now have conclusive proof that Obama is NOT any better at being a comedian than he is at being president. On the other hand, I’d still prefer him over just about every Republican currently running for president.
Saw Ronan Farrow on the Colbert Report. What a nice young man. Articulate. Caring. Educated. Frank would be very proud.
Let’s discuss the reality of family planning reducing the number of abortions that might be sought in any given year. What, you say in shock, you mean avoiding conception unless it is planned is a good way to cut abortion numbers? Yes it is. And apparently everyone who is anyone seems to understand that fact except perhaps for some members of Alaska’s enlightened state legislature.
Senator Fred Dyson (R-Eagle River) seems to feel that if sex is fun, then the participating players should bear all responsibility for any costs associated with it. I assume he also thinks that anyone who
There is bacon and there is turkey. They should not be confused. Chopping up turkey and reforming it to look like bacon fools no one… especially after the first few bites.
I’m begging, goddess. Bring me someplace warm and sandy. I’m losing my normally cheerful disposition and starting to want to steal my owner’s credit card and make my own plane reservations.
I found out that if you don’t tell Social Security to take withholding out of your monthly check, they don’t. And then, come tax time, instead of the refund you have spent your entire life receiving and blowing on some silliness like groceries or penny slot machines, you have to pay. And pay a lot. OK, maybe not a lot for Mitt Romney or Bill Clinton. But for those of us in the trenches, it’s a lot.
Task for today… call social security and change withholding.
Vladimir Putin may be crazy and out of touch as being reported but that may be because of the all energy he needs to put into denying that he’s gay. OMG! I’ve seen less obvious examples of gayness in NYC’s Greenwich Village!
The headline read, “Allegations of groping faced by Army’s top sex-crime prosecutor”. Of course it did. So sadly SOP for the military.
He may have lost a front tooth but he didn’t lose THE FRONT TOOTH that gives him such a manly appearance.