If I correctly understand what’s being asked of Alaskans regarding the proposed constitutional amendment to allow public funding of private schools, the legislators proposing this amendment freely admit they have not a clue as to how much it will cost, what it will take from public school financing, how they will ensure that standards are being met or whether teachers will need to be state qualified to work in those schools. In essence, they are saying, “Trust us. We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” Isn’t that the punch line of almost every conservative political joke about
Doggie Snow Angel

Unlike BuddhaBubba, Snowy thinks that the snow is great. And he’d love to be a sled dog in the Iditarod… assuming by sled dog you mean that he gets to ride in the sled while the other dogs do the pulling.
And I’ll keep on walking

I will walk as far as I have to in order to get out of this damn snow. No matter how cute I look in a pink coat, it does not make up for the snow. I’m heading south and won’t stop until the heat of the sun burns this coat off my back.
(This is how you know that BuddhaBubba is NOT an Iditarod dog!)

Or moose. It could have been a moo.. squirrel!
How rich can anyone want to be?
I wake up each morning to three dogs who want to just lick me and love me all day. I wake up to six parrots and a cockatoo that want nothing more than to be part of my flock. And I wonder how much richer I could ever possibly be than I am right now.
FASD and FAS children face difficulties all their lives
Anyone who’s worked in the field of child or adult protection in this state is all too familiar with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and its even more devastating relative, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Kids who otherwise might have had a chance for a good future if removed from an abusive and/or dysfunctional family have no chance of ever really escaping because of the damage done before they were born. No matter how hard they try, the crossed lines in their brain cannot be uncrossed. With a lot of work and effort, these kids sometimes are able to overcome the
No, really…
who the hell is watching some of these reality TV shows? I have just finally been informed of what the joke is behind the cracks about the backdoor teenage mom. gross.
On the one hand…
On the one hand, I understand the need for commercials on TV in order to pay for the show being seen. On the other hand, I can’t imagine watching TV that hasn’t been DVR’d so that I can fast forward through the commercials.
I might be wrong but…

I think this could be Snowy’s way of asking me to turn up the heat.