I must not accept the fact that no matter how many times I step into the shower and step out through the same glass door, Carm will sit pressed against the shower door in the absolute certainty that there is a hidden door on the other side and someday I’ll step through it and he’ll never see me again.
It doesn’t work
When Snowy is sitting outside ignoring my commands to come in, I try lowering my voice to its deepest register since ALL the experts say that dogs respond to the lower voice, assuming it’s the alpha male. Snowy just looks at me as though wondering if I’d lost my mind and then turns around and continues to stare into the distance, no doubt contemplating the eternal verities of the universe.
It’s almost over… I wish
Tuesday is the primary here in Alaska. Please get out and vote. I don’t care how you vote. I mostly care THAT you vote so some small percentage of people in this state don’t end up making decisions for the vast majority.
And then after you’ve voted, pat yourself on the back and enjoy the approximately 25 minutes of silence before the ads for the general election in November begin.
God help us but democracy can be noisy!
Well here’s a charming moment
My Snowy, as usual, snarfed down his doggie kibbles without pausing for air. He then went out to the porch about 30 minutes later and threw up the kibble in two nice little piles. I decided to see if the rain would wash it away before I actually had to go clean it. But there it was after the rain. I was going to clean it, honestly, but got diverted. By the time I remembered and went back to the porch, I was just in time to see a magpie making off with the last bit of it. Charming. Just
A column not about politics!
I was thinking about this week’s column and kept coming up with topics that probably make us all want to run screaming into the night. I could write about the oil tax debate because, as we all know, you can’t hear too much about that. And the four million political ads we’ve seen the past few months certainly have affected my view of how great the summer has been. I could write about how these two issues have sucked all the air out of anything else on the ballot, but I think we’re all well aware of that by now.
Last year I had a jungle full. This year I have so few I just pick them and eat them right there because there aren’t enough to bring in. I guess they don’t like sunshine and hot weather anymore than I do.
Autumn Wings Festival
This Saturday, Bird TLC is having its annual Autumn Wings Festival to wave goodbye to all the birds smart enough to get the hell out of Alaska before winter hits.
Join us at our property above Potter’s Marsh off the Old Seward Highway right past the Russian Orthodox Church from 12 to 4. There will be birds, games, food, coffee… all kinds of exciting things to do and see.
It feels so strange
For the first time in 44 years I am not sharing my living room/dining room with one or more parrots. The final three were moved downstairs yesterday to join the other four. And now the top floor is only for people… and, of course, dogs. But it feels so weird and lonely. I spent half the evening downstairs because it felt so empty upstairs. I’ll admit that it was nice to watch tv without any competing sounds like screeches and high pitched whistles but still… It feels as though they are miles away. I imagine I’ll get used to the
Meet Luca MIchael

He is the newest addition to our large and extended beyond belief Italian American family. He may look like a frog now… a distinct improvement over those who come out looking like Winston Churchill… but given the overall size of his head, I’d have to guess he will soon look like all other Zeccardi males. His head will be a third as big as the rest of his body.
Welcome to the family, Luca. We may be a bit insane, but we are your family so live with it! We promise to love you more than you can imagine and