You apparently go on vacation and get yourself photographed with a bird on your head. My apologies.
You apparently go on vacation and get yourself photographed with a bird on your head. My apologies.
Family won’t arrive for another week, yet we sit patiently on the stairs and await their arrival… and pray to god that none of the dogs does something in the house that will cause my cousin Joe to run screaming into the night. And YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Used to be that I only saw double if I was really messed up on stuff. Now I see double because of problems with my eye. I liked the old way better.
…there is definitely a part of me that wishes Rob Ford were our mayor. It just seems like it would be so much more fun. And he could hardly do more damage than our current one…
A picture of my family from the seventies. Left to right: my dad, Aunt Louise, mom, me, sister-in-law Jay holding niece Andrea, sister Judy, brother Phil… he’s the one with the massive armpits sweat stains – no idea how Marian (mom) ever let him in the picture with them. Andrea, now a fashionable young lady, thought her mother had a blanket on her lap. But no. Those are her pants. And again I repeat, the seventies… the nadir of fashion.
I asked my sister recently what was on her mind that she’d like to see in print. She immediately answered that she’d love to see someone write about the possibility that Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney might appear on Late Night with David Letterman on the 50th anniversary of the first Beatles’ appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, Feb. 9 1964. (Letterman’s show originates in the old Ed Sullivan theatre.)
I thought that was a pretty silly suggestion when there is so much going on in our world, our country and our state that is eminently more important. Then I
I saw something mysterious on the floor. Unwilling to get any closer to it than needed, I went to get a paper towel to pick it up. In the three seconds I was gone, this dog ate whatever it was. Pray god it wasn’t poop. He kisses me with that tongue.
Today I spent the morning with a specialist figuring out where the hell the sudden vertigo I’ve been experiencing came from. Seriously, if I want the world to spin around like that, I’d rather do it chemically. And for those of you lucky enough to never experience true vertigo, let me explain it this way. Vertigo is to dizziness as a Clydesdale is to a pony.
As I, more rapidly than I’d ever imagined, experience all the joys of growing older, I find my normally cheerful disposition harder and harder to maintain. And for all of you out there on the floor laughing hysterically at that previous sentence, I do too have a normally cheerful disposition. It just is combined with a realistic view of life that creates an odd balance.
Don’t forget when you sign up for your PFD, take a moment to Pick. Click. Give. to the charity of your choice. And if you don’t have one special one, consider Bird TLC for your donation. These immature bald eagles sure appreciated what Bird TLC was able to do for them so that they had a chance to grow into adults and fly free in the wild again. If you don’t live in Alaska and so don’t get that wonderful free check every year from our Permanent Fund, you can contribute directly to Bird TLC by going to our website